nowhere warm

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It took exactly 12 seconds for Lily to snap back to reality. There was a difference between hearing about the horrors of the world, then waking up one day and actually seeing all of it headed towards you, and the difference had never been clearer.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah," the other four called back in unison.

Marlene crawled over to Lily, a dark bruise on her temple. "We have to move fast. We have to do something Lily."

Under the table Lily locked eyes with Cas and saw Peter holding a hysterical Heather. She searched for an adult; someone to take control of the situation by anyone that fit the bill was hiding and cowering under their table. "Okay...Er...Okay we can't take them on by ourselves. Um...Marlene, go to the ministry-"

"I'm not leaving you." Marlene told her firmly.

"You have to. I've never been to the Ministry and we need help." Lily looked at Esmee and Cas's feet. Cas was wearing bright pink flip-flops and Esmee was wearing thick durable boots. "Cas, you need to apparate back to the house, get the boys and Dorcas."

"But-" Cas started looking at her sister nervously.

"If you don't go, everyone will die." Lily told them fiercely. "Now MOVE!"

Startled Marlene and Cas shared a look before identical pops were heard.

Lily looked up and saw the Death Eaters were splitting off into small groups. Her hands were trembling at her eyes were watering but she had to keep it together. Glancing at the other three left, Lily cleared her throat.

"Okay...Alright...Um...Amelia and Fabian are here...somewhere. Fabian is training to be an Auror. He...he will know what to do."

Esmee nodded, her short black hair askew with bits of broken glass. "Merlin...They are headed over."

"Okay we have to go then," Lily zeroed in on Heather, who was sobbing and shaking violently in fear. "Heather, look at me."

The younger girls make-up was smeared and her pristine blond hair was everywhere. She was clinging to Peter's side for dear life. "Lily...I'm ...I'm a muggleborn...they're ...they're gonna kill me..."

"Hey," Lily spoke to her sharply. "We need to move. If you want to live, we can't stay here. We are behind a table in the middle of the room, we are sitting ducks." Heather couldn't get up and Lily couldn't give her time. "Peter, grab her or we are leaving you. Come on Esmee."

In a flash Lily was running over to the side of the restaurant where she had seen Amelia and Fabian. She didn't even consider the possibility that they could have left in the past ten minutes since she saw them. All of the adults in the room were shuddering under their tables in fear, she needed to be with people that would overcome that and do something.

She dodged the fallen over tables and a few people who were unconscious on the floor. Esmee was quick on her tail and Peter was dragging Heather with him. Lily didn't blame Heather, this literally was a life or death circumstance and to be petrified of that was natural, but as a prefect for two years Lily had learned how to take charge of situations when necessary. And this was necessary.

Thankfully, when she rounded around the bar, Amelia and Fabian were indeed still there and they both jumped up to hug Lily when they saw her.

"EVANS!" Fabian breathed, his hazel eyes flashing relief, "We need to-"

"We sent for ministry back up already," Peter cut him off, his jaw trembling.

Amelia let out a cool breath, "Okay, then we need a plan. First," She grabbed Heather by the shoulders, "Stop. Crying. Control yourself. Now is not the time to lose it."

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