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James tucked his hands into his pocket and walked through moon lit halls to the Astronomy tower. He normally would never go here, but as students were banned from leaving their dormitory after dark it wasn't likely to be infested with hormonal couples until the next day.

He tried to sleep, but couldn't the night before still bothered him. Why had they been ambushed so viciously? And why did it seem to be the most directed at him? It just didn't make sense. The Slytherin's had always fought with them, but not like that, not in that way.

Automatically he turned to leave when he saw a petite girl sitting on the edge of the Astronomy tower smoking. He didn't want to interrupt or bother her, but he stopped when he realized he recognized the girl.

"Meadowes," James said softly, before walking up behind her.

Dorcas jumped, but relaxed when she saw his face. "Oh it's just you Potter. I thought it was a prefect coming to scold me."

"Well," He paused for a minute while he hiked himself up onto the ledge to sit beside her, "We'll both get more than just a scolding if we are out here. Dumbledore is starting to really crack down on enforcing the laws."

She shrugged, before putting the cigarette between her lips, inhaling and letting out a long breath. "Don't tell Marlene you caught me with this. She'll lecture me off a cliff if she hears I was smoking."

"I won't say anything," He shrugged. She offered him two, he lit the first one and took a puff, quickly finishing it. "Marlene get's a bit too motherly some times."

"We all have our roles." Dorcas said calmly curling her legs up into her chest. "Sirius is the prodigal son that's always in trouble. You are the father that had kids young so you switch from treating him like a brother and a son. Remus is the moody middle child, with the most insecurity that broods in his room with his books. Peter is the youngest

"Where do you fit into that scenario?"

"I don't." She replied simply taking the end of her burnt bud and extinguishing it against the building.

He expected to look over and find her looking hurt by her own accusation, but she didn't. She seemed to just be in a deeper mood, beyond taking offense to facts. "What are you doing up here?"


"Do you want to be alone?"

"No. Not really." She admitted quietly. "I just…I receive a letter a month ago, from my father."

James eyed her curiously. He had heard from Marlene that she wasn't on good terms from her father, but by the detached empty look on her face, he saw that it went deeper than that. "What did it say?"

"That since I am of age in this world I should find somewhere else to live for the summer." She replied simply not looking at him. "I have some gold saved up. I just …I don't know why it surprised me. I knew that he would kick me out the first time the opportunity presented itself, but when it happened…It kind of kicked me in the teeth."

"You wanted to be proven wrong." He answered knowingly, "You wanted to believe that if you built up the worst version of the situation in your head that you would be ready if it happened."

"But I wasn't." Dorcas replied in tone two pitches higher than her normal voice.

"Have you talked to-"

"No and I'd appreciate it if you kept this conversation between us." She told him quickly, holding herself tighter.

James lit the cigarette she had given him and took a long drag. He watched the smoke leave his mouth before glancing out at the grounds. "I won't say anything. I know how Lily and Marlene will be about it."

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