Carry On My Wayward Son

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Letting out a large sigh James left his dormitory and headed for the room of requirement. He had turned himself invisible, but he still felt paranoid. They were only sixteen and if Dumbledore caught them trying to leave the castle there would be hell to pay. And James understood why. They were too young to be doing this. It was risky and frankly mad to think the six of them had any chance of helping return Marlene, but they had to. It may have seemed overdramatic for them to put all of their lives on the line for Marlene, but they had to, whether they survived or not didn't matter at that point. It was more important that they tried.

Strolling into the room of requirement James smiled at his friends. Remus was going over strategies with Dorcas. Peter was debating what Zonko's products were more helpful to bring. And Lily was putting ice on her swollen hand.

"I can't believe you punched Locke," James laughed under his breath as he eyed her bruising hand.

Lily grinned despite her best efforts not to. She zipped up her sweatshirt. "He deserved it."

"Still, pretty impressive." James said sitting down on the plush couch she was sitting on. "Why are you putting ice on your hand?"

She shrugged, "Sometimes I like to do things the old fashioned way. What is that?" Lily said pointing to the bracelet in his hand.

"Okay," He began raising his hands in innocence. "I know women can fight just as well as men, if not better, but …I still feel like taking a little precaution."

"Are those…strawberries?" She said in a soft voice he'd never heard her use before.

He blushed but her eyes were too focused on the silver bracelet to see. "James…I can't accept this."

"Look, you can give it back when we get back." He reasoned.

"Fine," She smiled at him slipping it over her wrist. Lily wanted to be mad, but as soon as she saw what was dangling on the bracelet, she had to stop herself from beaming. "Why did you pick strawberries?"

James didn't answer; instead he looked over at the others worriedly. "I don't know how well this is going to go."

"Having second thoughts?" She lowered her voice so the others would hear.

"No, we have to do this, but…I don't know what good it will do. We're just kids." James admitted.

Lily paused before lightly grabbing his hand. His eyes instantly locked on hers. "We are strong together…we will all look after each other. They are expecting negotiations not a band of reengaged teenagers."

He smiled. "Yeah…yeah."

"You're parents are going to kill you though," Lily said removing her hand from his.

Frowning he shrugged. "They're always are lecturing me about something. Might as well give them something to lecture me about…wouldn't want them to get bored."

"I highly doubt raising you was boring." She scoffed, playing with the strawberries on the end of her bracelet.

"Well," he drawled scooting a little closer to her; unable to stop the smirk building on his lips from watching her wearing the bracelet he bought her. "Nothing I do is ever boring."

Lily glanced up in surprise, her face flushing, her eyes dilating and her throat tightening.

"Yo!" Dorcas called from across the room. "Potter! Evans! Come on! We have to get a move on!"

James let out a sigh of disappointment but still rose to his feet. "Coming Commander Meadowes."

"Commander," Dorcas smirked like a cat as she zipped up her boots. "I like that Potter."

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