first day of my life

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In the distance, Dumbledore stood half a Quidditch field away from Voldemort, his hand brushing against his wand, but he didn't grab it, the stakes were too high.

"Tom, I'm surprised you came. I thought this would be a little low level for you."

Voldemort eyed him. "Unfortunate isn't it? To have me in your sights and not unable to do anything about it."

"One day, Tom." Dumbledore reassured him coldly, watching his students cross the barrier. "I suggest, you leave."

"Always a pleasure, Dumbledore."

The elderly man watched his once pupil leave, with a look of abhorrence. Behind him, he heard mixed sounds of happiness and concern, but all he could think about, all that concerned him really, was Tom, and how he had let him go.

It gained him his student's safety, but that didn't stop the venom from running through his veins. If he had killed him right then and there how many other students would he have saved?

Peter was taken to the hospital with Sirius, but Dorcas and Remus stayed behind. They had to wait to apparate, neither of them were critical and they couldn't apparate too many people to St. Mungos. He was still standing, and he wouldn't let go of Dorcas. No matter what anyone said to either one of them, he wouldn't let go of her.

Sirius helped Peter and went with the Healer, but Dorcas clung onto Remus, and he his arms wound all the way around her. She cried hard into his chest, her entire body convulsing and Remus's hid his face in her shoulder, whispering things into her ear, incoherent things, that no one else could understand or even hear.

Fabian went up to Dumbledore and said, "What's the plan, now?"

"Call an emergency meeting."

"That couldn't have just been an exchange. Voldemort doesn't care about any of his followers this much." Fabian said in a hushed tone, facing away from the others.

Dumbledore's face tightened and he said, "Yes."

"He tried to turn one of them. Didn't he?"

"I believe so."

"Then why didn't they all come back in body bags?"

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "There is more than simply physical pain to torture someone. This was a calculated move and one I don't take lightly."

"When they graduate will they join us?"

"Unfortunately." Dumbledore said with a frown, his blue eyes looking over at Dorcas and Remus. "They will."

Lily cradled a cup of coffee to her chest, and sat in the waiting room, by herself, waiting.


Sitting up straighter, Lily blinked. "Yes?"

"Your friend is asking for you."

She stood up, setting her coffee down and followed the assistant healer. They walked into a room that held several other patients; Sirius was buttoning up his shirt when Lily walked in.

"How are you feeling?"

Sirius shrugged, but then winced at his own gesture. "Sore, what's the news on the others?"

"James is in with the Healer...they..." She took a breath, her face worn. "They think he had kidney failure, so they running a few potions through him and if that doesn't work then he will need a kidney transplant."

"He can have mine." Sirius said flatly.

Lily said, "Mrs. Potter already volunteered if that's the case."

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