Sigh No More

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"James," Marlene gasped, bending over and putting her hands on her knees. "We've been…practicing for three hours…I don't think I can feel my legs."

He frowned and wiped sweat off his own forehead. "I just want to make sure we are ready for the game next week."

"We are good Potter." Rick Vance announced from next to Marlene.

"Fine, hit the showers, but we will be having practice tomorrow before Hogsmeade. Don't think I'm going to let you guys off early tomorrow. We have a big game coming up."

"Yes we know!" The new beater groaned, stalking off the field, with his hands digging into his boney waist.

"Merlin," Rick muttered to Marlene, "I think Potter broke him."

Marlene had to fight a laugh, "Shut it Vance."

Rick left with the other chasers; Sirius was already long gone, leaving Marlene with James. She gave him a worried glance and put her sweat glistening arm around his shoulder. He stiffened under her touch, which had never happened before in the entire history of their friendship. James was always affectionate and preferred that she show him the same amount of warmth. This James was cold, and leaning towards having a abrasive mood swing.

"James," She muttered nervously, "I'm starting to really worry about you."

"I'm fine Mar," James said harshly storming off the field and moving away from her grip.

Scowling she combed through her damp hair, slicked her hair back up into a high ponytail and took a second before going after him. James had been phasing her out a bit. It wasn't personal; he just knew if he spent more than ten minutes with her there was a small chance she could bring up Sirius and he didn't want to give her the chance to do so. It wasn't that far off, Marlene did want to talk to him, but not to plead Sirius's case, but to actually see how he was doing with the whole thing. Sometimes they really did act like siblings, but times like these Marlene wished he wouldn't just brush her off like he would a pesky little sister.

"James!" She shouted pulling him aside just before he walked into the locker room. "Can you please stop ignoring me?!"

"I have nothing to say to you."

Marlene scowled, "You are being a right prick James Potter. I'm literally only stopping you to talk about how you are doing and you can't even give me the time of day."

"Well I thought you'd be a little busy, with the way I hear it."

The words hit their mark. Marlene released his arm and slapped him across his face. "I've known you for almost seventeen years James! And you've never spoken to me like that. You are well aware that it isn't like that between Sirius and I-"

"Have you seen the way he looks at you?" James scoffed, not even bothered by her slapping him. "He's just waiting to add you-"

"What as another notch on his belt?" She scoffed, her pale eyebrows furrowing together incredulously. "Is that really the clique you're going to stick me with?!...Look, you don't want me around. You want to just wallow in your self-pity like Sirius is, fine. Both of you can be all pathetic and whiny all alone. I'm tired of both of you. Why don't you two grow up?!"

Marlene then waltzed away, her long blond ponytail bouncing off of her practice jersey. She didn't even bother to go to the locker room she just marched right back up to the castle. James fell back against the brick wall behind him and bushed his wild hair out of his face. He knew that was too far. He knew even when he was saying it, but he didn't seem to help himself lately. It was like anyone that bothered to spend time around him was liable to get insulted. It wasn't personal, James just was being selfish. He didn't want to be around people, not when they all had the potential of being happy and carefree and all he felt was guilt and depression.

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