Chapter Two: Second Chance At First Line

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The picture is Ariana's bedroom

Allison and I headed to our lockers to grab our French books, she paused for a second, staring at something before picking it up. 'Wait, isn't that your jacket? I thought that you left it at the party or something,' I said. We both looked around anxiously, trying to see if anyone was there. Suddenly the bell rang, causing us both to jump.

She laughed, 'Relax, Riri. Lydia probably put it there, she must have figured out my combination.'

We were in the hallway with Lydia and this guy, she'd insisted on introducing us to the lacrosse players. 'This is Allison and Ariana,' we both smiled awkwardly and took it in turns to shake his hand.

'Hi,' I said quietly, he responded by saying that it was nice to meet us.

'They're the new girls, they just moved here,' Lydia smiled. I hated being reduced to that label, it draws way too much attention.

'Oh. How do you like it?'

Allie answered quickly, seeing how uncomfortable I was, 'We like it. It was nice meeting you, see you soon. We'll be at the game!' she called after them. I turned around to see Scott, sighing giving him one of my awkward smiles before leaving. I knew that he made her happy but there was something very off with him.

' Allie, you sm-seem... seem super anxious. What's up?' I frowned, sensing how uncomfortable she was.

'It's...It's probably nothing. I just... Scott was acting really weird. He saw my jacket and he started asking a ton of questions about how I got it back. Then he said that Derek wasn't his friend and it just really freaked me out so I left,' she gasped for breath afterwards. 

'But why would he say that Derek wasn't his friend? I mean, did he say it like "we had an argument and I'm gonna pretend that we're not friends" or like "he's genuinely not my friend" because that last one probably isn't good.' She groaned and slumped back in her chair with a heavy sigh.


As I looked up from my book, I could have sworn that I saw a figure climbing up onto the roof about three metres from me. On top of that disturbing detail, the figure's eyes seemed to be glowing a faint gold colour. After staying still and silent for a while, I sighed as I got up from the roof, walked up to the window and climbed back into my room. My window faces onto a flat part of the roof, like Allison's, and I often like to sneak out and watch the evening sky.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of car breaks screeching and a loud thud. Allison must have heard it too, as she followed me outside to see Uncle Chris crouching over Scott.

'Uncle Chris?' I asked stepping a little closer.

'Dad? What the hell are you doing?' Allison shouted as she rushed over to Scott, kneeling next to him.

'He came out of nowhere, Allison,' he tried to defend himself, staring at the boy in confusion.

'Are you trying to kill him?' she asked. That was a little harsh, seeing as Scott was the one that ran into the road.

'Oh, no. Of course not! He just... he just ran out into the driveway.' I made my way behind between my uncle and my cousin, staring at Scott with caution.

He seemed to notice and began to sit up, 'I'm sorry, it's my fault. I'm sorry.'

'Are you okay?' Allison asked quietly as she leaned over him, gently touching his face to see if there was any injury to his head.

'Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I swear. Sorry I hit your car, I was just coming to say hi.' She chuckled at that, still looking at him with concern.

Chris seemed completely bewildered, 'You sure you're okay?' he asked, bringing his arm forward to help him up. I continued to watch him, as he promised us that he wasn't hurt.

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