Chapter Nineteen: Venomous

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Stiles sprinted into class, leaning forwards to talk to Scott. 'Dude, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson. And I've got terrible, horrible, very, very bad news.'

Scott stopped him, 'I think I already know.' He sighed as he pointed to Isaac, who gave a smug grin.

'Ari, wait up! Ari! I just... Ariana!' Stiles called after me in the hallway, making me stop in my tracks and turn around to look at him.

'What?' I sighed.

'Look, I just wanted to apologise. I promised that I wouldn't let you go but I did and I know that it probably hurt you,' he scratched his temple awkwardly.

'It's okay, really. Now what did you really want to talk to me about?'

'Oh, um... I was just wondering if you knew Derek's plan for the Kanima?' he enquired.

'No,' I huffed, 'He hasn't said anything, probably still pissed that I yelled at him.'

He grinned, slowing down to walk beside me, 'Sweet, you yelled at Derek?' I nodded. 'You're amazing!' he remarked before walking off. I frowned, that was a new one.

I grabbed Isaac and Erica before they entered Chemistry, 'What's going on? What has Derek told you that he didn't tell me?' I asked.

Isaac opened his mouth to answer, ignoring Erica's warning glare. 'It's just a test to see if Lydia's the Kanima. It won't hurt her, I promise. Maybe paralyse her a bit but it probably won't hurt,' he sighed.

I nodded, 'And what if she is the Kanima? Are you gonna kill my best friend? There's gotta be another way, I'll find another way!' I said, more to myself than to him.

Scott and Stiles glared at the two Betas before rushing to sit next to Lydia. Mr Harris sighed, walking up to the board, 'Einstein once said, "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." I myself have encountered infinite stupidity,' he said, patting Stiles on the shoulder.

'So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr Stilinski's case, less than one. Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with...' he looked around disappointedly at the class as about ten people put their hands up. 'I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down,' he spat. 'Start with Mr McCall. Alright, next two,' he continued to sort us into pairs.

'Hey, Ariana!' I slowly looked up to see Greenberg standing expectantly at my desk.

'Hey, Greenberg,' I sighed, starting the experiment with him. I'd been nice to him at first, since I had felt bad for him, but he'd started to get the idea that I was interested in him and he did not take no for an answer.

I noticed Isaac frown at me and whisper' You want me to kill him?' I rolled my eyes and shook my head bofore turning back around, desperate to finish the experiment as soon as possible.

I carefully watched Isaac and Lydia. No matter how loyal I was to my uncle and his pack, I would never let anyone harm my friends. I just had to hope that he wouldn't hate me for choosing her over the pack.

To Der:
If she's the kanima, we have to find a way around it. I won't let you kill her

From Der:
Unfortunately, that's not your decision to make. Go back to your classwork and let me handle this

'Time!' Mr Harris called, 'If you've catalysed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal.' I looked down, smiling a little when I saw that it worked. 'Now, for the part of that last experiment that I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it.' My eyes widened and I quickly handed the crystal to Sydney, focusing on Lydia.

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