Chapter Fifteen: Omega

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Allison rushed into my room, 'Did you hear?'

'Hear what?' I frowned, putting my book down.

'Lydia's missing. Apparently she disappeared from her hospital room, nobody knows where she is.' My eyes widened. It was the coldest night of the year, there was no way she could survive that. We both headed out of the house.


The headlights of Stiles' jeep turned on, revealing Allison and I. 'What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us,' Scott whispered to her.

'I don't care. She's our best friend and we need to find her before they do.'

'I can find her before the cops can,' he tried again.

'How about before my father does?'

Stiles groaned, 'He knows?'

'Yeah. We just saw him and three other guys leave the house in two SUVs,' I replied.

'Search party?'

I huffed, 'It's more like a hunting party.'

Scott paused for a second before opening the door for us, 'Get in.'

The jeep sped down the road and Stiles sighed, 'All right, but if she's turning, wouldn't they actually kill her?'

'I don't know. They won't tell us anything, okay? All they say is we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here.'

'What others?'

'They won't tell us that either.'

'Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, are we going the right way?' Stiles turned to Scott, who sniffed as he stuck his head out of the window.

'Take the next right!'


We trudged through the forest, heading over to the Hale House. 'She came here? You sure?' Stiles asked.

'Yeah, this is where the scent leads.'

We continued to walk, but Stiles stopped again, 'All right, but has Lydia ever been here?'

'Not with us,' Allison replied, 'Maybe she came here on instinct, like she was looking for Derek.'

Scott sighed, 'You mean, looking for an Alpha.'

'Wolves need a pack, right?:

'Not all of them,' I cut in.

'But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?' Allison continued.

'Yeah, we're stronger in packs.'

Allison nodded, 'Like, strength in numbers?'

'No. Like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way.'

She paused, 'That the same for an alpha?'

He nodded, 'Yeah, it'll make Derek stronger, too.'
Stiles began to search the ground around us, coming across a piece of wire, 'Whoa. Hey, look at this. You see this?' he asked as Allison and I went over to him, 'I think it's a tripwire.'

'Yeah, well maybe it's not a good idea to trip the-' I tried to advice him but he did it anyway. 

'Stiles?' Scott gasped.

'Yeah, buddy? Oh.' We looked around to see Scott hanging in the air by his ankles.

I rolled my eyes, 'Nice going, dumbass.'

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