Chapter Thirty-Nine: Lunar Ellipse

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I started drumming my fingers against my knee as I watched them. It had been eight hours. I hadn't moved, hadn't eaten, hadn't slept. I just sat there and waited for them to wake up. Isaac sat next to me, holding my hands in his as they trembled. 'They'll be okay, they're strong.'

'But Stiles and Allison are just humans, what if they don't make it?' I gasped, my terrified gaze meeting his.

'They will, okay? They will. Look, maybe you should have something to eat, or maybe some sleep, you look exhausted.'

I furiously shook my head, 'I have to know that they're okay.'

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I must have. My eyes fluttered open and I noticed a jacket wrapped around me. 'You looked cold,' Isaac said, 'Didn't wanna wake you.'

Suddenly, the three of them emerged from the water, gasping and coughing. 'I saw it, I know where it is,' Scott shouted.

'Yeah, we passed it. There was this stump, this huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore, it was cut down. But it was still big, though. Very big,' Stiles added.

'It was the night we were looking for the body.'

Stiles nodded, 'Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter.'

Allison got out of the tub, 'I was there, too, in the car with Ariana and my mother. We almost hit someone.'

Scott's eyes widened. 'It was me! You almost hit me!' he turned to Deaton, 'We can find it.' They all paused when they saw how we were staring at them.


Isaac gulped, 'You guys were out a long time.'

'How long is a long time?' Stiles eyed us nervously.

'Sixteen hours.'

They all groaned and Scott shook his head in disbelief, 'We were in the water for sixteen hours?'

Deaton nodded, 'And the full moon rises in less than four.'

'No, you are not going back there!' Stiles told Scott, tugging him back as he went to the door.

'I made a deal with Deucalion.'

I scoffed, 'Sounds a lot like a deal with the devil.'

Isaac sighed, 'Why does it matter anyway?'

'Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help.'

Allison turned to Deaton, 'He trusts you more than anyone, tell him he's wrong.'

Deaton shook his head, 'I'm not so sure he is. Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies.'

'He's more than just an enemy,' I argued, sighing when I saw their looks of confusion, 'He murdered my mom.'

Allison's eyes widened, 'That was him?'

'So we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself "death, destroyer of worlds"? We're gonna trust that guy?'

Deaton sighed, 'I wouldn't trust him, no. But you could use him to your advantage, Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait.'

We all jumped, hearing the door to the clinic open, Deaton motioned for us to be quiet before going to the front desk. 'I'm looking for Lydia.' It was one of the twins.

'What do you want?' she asked impatiently.

'I need your help.'

Stiles leaned into the doorway as he glared at the werewolf, 'With what?'

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