Chapter Twenty-Three: Party Guessed

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I stopped the car outside Matt's house, grateful that the extremely awkward journey was over. 'So, um, about that incredibly bad idea I had,' he groaned.

'You mean the kiss?'

'Yeah, that's the one.'

I shook my head, 'Don't worry about it.'

He looked at me in disbelief, 'For real.'

'Definitely,' we both chuckled lightly.

He paused for a moment as he tried to find the right words, 'So what's going on with you and Stiles? I've seen the way you look at each other. Are you guys... you guys together or... or what?'

I began to drum my fingers against the dashboard, 'Not really.'

'Not really. I... God, I hate "not really"s. You never know what to do with "not really."'

'Would you understand if I said it was complicated?'

'Not really,' we both laughed, my smile faltering a little when he held my hand, 'But I'll try.'

I pulled my hand away, trying to disguise it as a scratch to my forehead. He opened the door and got out, heading up to his house.

I frowned as something caught my eye, a camera. I picked it up and began to flick through the photos. They all seemed to be lacrosse-related, pictures of the team, etc. I chuckled quietly, but my smile immediately morphed into a frown as I saw something else.

A picture of me. I didn't even remember it being taken. I continued to go through them, my heart seeming to stop as I examined the many pictures of me. Me at school, sat outside, eating lunch, in my room. My breathing began to speed up, there had to be a reason as to why he would do that.

I gasped, hearing a loud knock at the window, I looked up to see Matt. He tried to open the door but I had locked it, afraid of what he would do.

He gave me a small smile before mouthing the words "Open the window." I did as I was told. He chuckled. There was this look in his eyes, something strange but unsettling. 'Forgot my bag.'

'Yeah, yeah,' I tried my best to act normal.

He leant forward, reaching his arm through the window to pick it up, never breaking eye contact with me. 'Some good pictures in there, don't you think?'

'Yeah, the lacrosse ones are amazing. You're... you're really talented! I was... I was... I was really impressed.'

He chuckled again, 'There was a good candid of you in there too.' He didn't even try to hide it.


'You can see some of the others if you'd like. I mean, this... this tiny little screen doesn't really do it justice. But, uh, I could show you some on my computer.' I knew that things were going to get worse the longer I stayed there but I was frozen in my seat, too scared to run away.

'Oh, I'd really like that, but maybe another night.'

'Well, just for a few minutes.'

'It's getting kind of late,' I insisted.

'It's the weekend.'

'I know, but I... you know, I...' I desperately searched for a way out but my feet wouldn't move to the pedals.

'And it's spring break. I mean, you don't have a thing going on tomorrow. Do you?' His eyes darkened, I could barely recognise the Matt I saw before me.

I gave him another smile, 'I should really go.'

'You sure?'

I nodded hurriedly, 'I'm sure.'

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