Chapter Forty-Eight: De-Void

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We were stood in Derek's loft waiting for the others to get there. There was a clicking sound and we looked up to see Stilinski holding a pair of handcuffs. 'You want to cuff me?' He asked.

'If my son is still here. If there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others.'

His hands were raised in defeat and Stilinski put the cuffs on. He looked up at the man, his eyes dark with anger. 'You're not my son,' He shook His head and snapped the cuffs off. I glanced at the door as familiar faces entered the room.

Allison aimed her stun gun at Him, but he caught the crackling wire, throwing it aside. Derek growled and bared his fangs as he ran towards Him but I stepped forwards, slamming his head against a nearby table and then throwing him against the wall.

There was a click and we turned, Chris had the gun pointed at Void. Stilinski raised a hand, 'Argent, listen to me. Don't do this.'

'Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, beserkers... I can easily add a nogitsune to the list.'

Stilinski pointed his gun at Chris, Void and I glanced at each other with surprised looks on our faces. 'You're not going to shoot my son.'

'You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son.'

'Put it down.'

Void's eyes filled with tears, 'Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad!'

I wept a few crocodile tears myself, 'Uncle Chris, please don't shoot him!'

'Don't listen.' Argent's hands quivered a little when his eyes darted over to me.

'Put it down. Now! Do it! Put it down!' the Sheriff began to yell.

Void smirked, 'Pull the trigger, come on.'

Stilinski began to get angrier by the second, 'Listen to me, you put the gun down now!'

I began to sob as I held on to Void, 'Uncle Chris, I'm begging you. Don't do it! Please don't do it. Allison, tell him to stop.'

'Shoot me! Shoot me!'

'Put the gun down! Argent, you put it down!'

'Don't hurt him!' I looked out of the window, seeing the sun begin to set. My eyes flickered over to Derek and I smirked at him.

'Stop. Stop it, this is what he wants! This is exactly what he wants,' Allison shouted, making everyone silent.

Void chuckled, 'Not exactly. I was kinda hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out, because you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me.'

We stepped behind the others as the oni materialised in front of them. They began to shoot at the creatures and we silently slipped away while the others were distracted.


Noshiko Yukimura was already there by the time we reached the Eichrn House basement, crouched next to the crumbled section of wall.

'Why that kanji? Why "self,"' He asked quietly as we approached her.

'To signify that he died as himself. Because Rhys wasn't a monster, not like you.' She brandished the knife-shaped tail at him, preparing for a fight.

He raised an eyebrow in amusement, 'If I'm such a monster, why'd you call off the oni? What happened to the woman who called out for chaos, strife and pain to descend upon everyone and everything? What happened?'

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