Chapter Twenty-Nine: Chaos Rising

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I was sat on my bed, drawing in my sketchbook as I listened to music. There was a knock on my door and I quickly took out my earphones, seeing Chris near the door. 'Hey, I was just... checking in on you. Everything okay?'

'Yeah,' I gave him a reassuring smile.

'How come you're not with your friends? Isn't Stiles free tonight?'

I sighed, shaking my head. 'No, he went to a party with Scott. It's for some childhood friend of his.'

He nodded, twitching nervously. 'Is everything alright with you two? Because if it's not, I've got plenty of weapons downstairs that-'

'That won't be necessary,' I chuckled, 'Everything's fine. I'm just... trying to figure stuff out.'


I huffed, 'Remember I said that Lydia put wolfsbane in the punch at her party and everyone started hallucinating?' He nodded, 'I saw... my mom. The night she died. I couldn't see the killer's face because it was all blurry, but I think I saw my dad.'

Chris looked down sadly before taking something out of his pocket. 'After the night that we found out about your father, I looked through some of your mother's belongings. There was a locked box which I'd never really touched before, I managed to open it and... I found this picture,' he explained as he passed the piece of paper to me.

It was my mother. She had a bright smile on her face and her olive eyes sparkled with happiness. A man stood next to her, his arm around her. It was the same man that I saw when she died. His scruffy, dark hair had been gelled and his forest green eyes shone with the same joy as my mother's.

Chris pointed to the man, 'That's Lucas Hale, your father. Our paths crossed a couple of times since he was in the same grade as Estelle, but I never knew him personally.'

'Do you remember anything about him?' I asked quietly.

He sighed, 'Well, he was... charming, a little arrogant, confident, the ladies loved him. I guess I just never expected my sister to be one of those ladies.'

(A/n: this is the picture)

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(A/n: this is the picture)


I was sat in an empty classroom next to Stiles as we watched the conversation in front of us. Allison and Lydia held their wrists up next to each other's to show the bruising pattern. 'I don't see anything,' Derek huffed in frustration.

'Look again,' Scott begged him.

'How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?'

I could sense how uncomfortable Allison was around Derek. After all, he did bite her mom, even if it was to defend Scott. 'It's the same on both sides. Exactly the same,' Scott tried to convince him, but he wouldn't budge.

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