Chapter Thirty-One: Unleashed

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I groaned in complaint, Stiles literally having to drag me onto the cross-country trail. 'But I don't wanna do it, it's evil!' I whimpered.

'It's running, running is good, we like running!' he coaxed.

'You hate running,' I raised a challenging eyebrow at his lie.

He huffed, 'Do you want Coach to kill you? Because I'm sure that evil little bastard's capable of it.'

I chuckled, kissing his cheek as we prepared. The whistle went and we took off running. Although being a werewolf made exercise a lot easier, it wasn't exactly my favourite thing in the world, so I tried to avoid it at all costs. I managed my speed, staying at the same pace as Stiles.

Suddenly, a scream was heard ahead of us and we sprinted towards the source.

Students were gathered around the body of a boy, he was tied to the tree by his neck and has blood staining his clothes. 'It's him, isn't it?' Stiles asked Scott, probably referring to the guy who went missing at the Animal Clinic.

Sheriff Stilinski rushed over, moving students aside. 'Hey, get out of the way. Get back. Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence.' The deputy next to him nodded, shouting for us to back away. 'Get these kids out of here,' he ordered.

Stiles grabbed his father by the arm, pointing to the body's wounds. 'Dad, just come here, Look, look, look at it. It's the same as the others, you see?'

'Yeah, I see that. Do me a favour, go back to school, yeah? Coach, can you give us a hand here?'

'You heard the man. Nothing to see here, probably just some homeless kid.'

Scott interrupted, 'Coach, he was a senior.'

'He wasn't on the team, was he?'

A girl ran over to the body, screaming in horror. I moved closer to Stiles and he squeezed my hand to reassure me that he was there.

Isaac sighed, 'You see the way the twins looked at him?'

'Yeah, you mean like they had no idea what happened?'

'No, no, they knew,' he glared at them as we passed by.

I huffed quietly, 'Isaac, he was strangled with a garrotte. Not exactly a typical werewolf murder weapon.'

'You think it's a coincidence they turn up, and then people start dying?'

'Well, no, but I still don't think it's them.'

We all turned around. 'Scott?' Isaac asked, 'How about you?'

He paused, 'I don't know yet.'

Stiles frowned, 'You don't know yet?'

'Well, he's got a point. Seriously, guys, human sacrifices?'

Stiles scoffed, 'Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks, and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would magically heal, but you're telling me you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?'

Scott sighed,' That's a good point, too.'

'I don't care, alright?' Isaac persisted, 'They killed that kid, they killed that girl that saved me. And I'm gonna kill them, too.'


I was sat with Stiles in the hospital as we listened in on the conversation between Kyle's girlfriend and some deputies. One of them brought her outside the room, 'Wait right here, okay?'

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