Chapter Twenty-Two: Raving

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I hadn't really spoken to my family in a while, I'd figured that it would be easier to hide that I was a werewolf from Gerard if I wasn't around to accidentally expose it. Allison was the only one I really spoke to regularly.

We were both sat on her bed, trying to talk about anything other than the kanima and its master. I sighed as I got up and looked through my closet. 'What are you doing?' Allison asked curiously.

'Looking for an outfit, Matt asked me to go to a rave with him.'

She frowned, 'I thought you got 'weird vibes' from him.'

'Yeah, I said yes accidentally. But hey, I might as well try to enjoy myself for a night, seeing as I've been deliberately avoiding everyone. My list of friends seems to be growing smaller by the second,' I joked.

'None of us hate you, we're actually worried about you. Stiles especially,' I froze for a moment before resuming my hunt for a nice dress, 'He told me about the kiss. He's really sorry if he scared you.'

'He didn't, well, not much. Look, can we please talk about something else. Like... which one should I wear?' I held up two off shoulder dresses one black and one red.

She paused for a moment in thought, 'Hmm, the black one. It's a bit more casual,' I nodded, smiling at it.

'Are you going?'

'Yeah, Nate asked me.'

'Does Scott know about your date?'

'Yeah, he said it could help us to stay a secret.' I nodded at her answer, I wish that we didn't have to hide so much from our family.


Matt and I entered the warehouse, gazing around at the party. I winced a little at the loud music and crowded space but relaxed a little when I felt him place a gentle hand on my back, escorting me through the room.

I frowned as I noticed Allison and Scott arguing, something was wrong. 'Hey, you okay?' Matt asked me after I had stopped dancing.

'Yeah, just noticing some familiar faces,' I smiled at him awkwardly, trying to push away my worries and enjoy myself.

I sigh eyes as I see Isaac and Erica. They give me small nods and serious looks, warning me to keep Matt safe from whatever was going on. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was gonna happen.

'Wanna move closer to the DJ?' Matt asks me. I nod, letting him take my hand in his and lead me through the crowd. I trip a little, bumping into someone. My eyes widen in shock when that someone turns around, it was Mr Harris.

He stared at us in shock before glancing at the girl stood next to him. 'She's Twenty-One,' he assured us before dragging her away,
'I told you I'd see a student here!'

Matt and I looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. Maybe I had found an excuse not to do my chemistry homework.

Matt and I sat on a bench in the corner as I fidgeted with the hem of my dress, trying to stop my hands from shaking. 'Not having a good time, are you?' Matt sighed.

'Ever feel like you have the best intentions, but you're just making one mistake after another?' I answered sadly, not looking up from my hands.

'No, unlike the rest of humanity, I'm perfect,' we both laughed. Suddenly, he leant in and kissed me. I quickly pulled away. 'Uh, I'm sorry,' he laughed nervously, 'That was a huge mistake. I'm sorry.'

'No. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay,' I paused for a second, 'Actually, it's not okay. But I just...'

'You're right. We should probably go home.'

Her outfit for the party is at the top. Thank you for reading and please feel free to let me know what you think so far, I'd love to know what I can do better or what I'm doing well.

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