Chapter Forty-Nine: Insatiable

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Lydia stumbled through the tunnel, looking around frantically, trying to find the source of the screams that haunted her.

'Can you hear them?" Void asked in a slightly amused tone. I followed behind him, watching in interest at the girl who cowered against the wall. 'Louder than usual, isn't it? Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here.'

She gasped, trying to run away from us. 'What are the voices telling you? Are they saying that Stiles is dying?' He taunted, 'He is, you know. He's dying.'

'Then what do you need me for? You think I can tell you something?' she yelled back at us.

'Oh, I know you can.'

I smirked. She was scared. No matter how hard she tried to hide it, she was absolutely terrified. 'I'm not telling you anything!'

He was stood right behind her, 'You won't have to. You'll be screaming.'

We followed her as she staggered down another tunnel, searching for a way out. 'They'll find me. My friends are going to find me.'

'You think so? I myself was kind of wondering what they're doing right now, what useless lead they're chasing... I wonder if maybe some of them have bigger problems to deal with right now. Are they really spending every minute looking for you? Or... are they waiting for nightfall? Focused on some hopeless gesture to pass the time.'

She turned around, staring at us with wide eyes. 'What do you want?' she asked.


'More what?'

'The Trickster stories are all about food, Lydia. The Coyote, the Raven, the Fox. They're all hungry. I'm the same, I just crave something a little different. I eat what you feel,' he slowly made his way up to her, suddenly pulling her hair back and whispering in her ear, 'And I am insatiable.'

'You're nervous, aren't you?' the girl asked dazedly, 'You know they're coming. You know they're going to kill you.'

He growled, leaning against the wall and moving closer to her. 'Well, that's exactly why I'm keeping you so close.'

He dragged us both deeper into the building, pulling the gate closed behind him. 'They're here,' she sighed in relief, 'And I don't need to scream to know that they're going to kill you.'

'Shut up!' I snarled, trying to get at her.

He held me back, hushing me before continuing as if my outburst had never happened, 'Good, because that's exactly why I brought you. I needed to know when they'd be close enough. When my own death was closing in.'
He took one of Noshiko's tails out of his pocket.

I felt the fear creep closer to me. I didn't know what I'd do if He died. He was everything to me, He was the reason why I was there. Without Him, I was nothing.

The oni appeared, surrounding us and drawing their swords. Lydia ducked behind them but I stood my ground, holding onto Void.

He continued to speak, as if they weren't even there. ''Cause only when they're close, can I do this...' he broke the tail in half as soon as the oni began to close in on us. There was a flash of green light and they lowered their weapons, standing to attention.

We approached the group of people outside as they tried to figure out what had just happened. 'Mom?' Kira asked shakily.

'What is that? What does that mean?' Isaac frowned.

'It means there's been a change in ownership. Now they belong to me,' Void called out to them.

We watched in amusement as they fought with the oni. Metal clashed against metal and shouts rang through the night. It was almost remarkable. They knew that it was pointless, and yet they persisted to fight.

'How do we stop them?' Isaac yelled frantically.

'You can't,' Noshiko replied, her voice laced with bitterness and fear.

I looked at Allison curiously, seeing her aim an arrow at one of the oni. It whistled through the air, striking it in the chest. Its sword clattered to the ground, a green light shining through the wound before it erupted in a cloud of black smoke. I gasped in shock. She actually managed to kill an oni.

Her triumph didn't last long, though, as a sword was plunged into her. I tilted my head emotionlessly, watching her gasp and collapse into Scott's arms.

Void cleared his throat, holding his hand out for me to take. We left and I didn't look back.

Not once.

I'm literally sobbing right now, I was dreading this chapter so much.

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