Chapter Nine: Wolf's Bane

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As we entered English class, I noticed that Scott was heading to the seat next to Allison. Before I could stop him, Lydia slammed her books down on it, looking at his with a sweet smile, 'Try another row, sweetheart.'

'Okay class. Let's settle down, let's get our books out,' Ms Ramsey called.

Scott leaned forward in his seat, 'Allison.'

'Hey,' she whispered back, 'Class is beginning.'

'I know. I'll shut up, I just... I have some stuff on my phone that I wanted to send you. I thought you might like it.'

She nodded awkwardly, 'Okay.' I caught a glipse of one of the pictures, rolling my eyes when I saw that it was a picture of them hugging and kissing. 

'All right, I'd like to return to our discussion from yesterday with a more in-depth analysis of Iago and the way in which he preyed upon Othello's jealousies,' Ms Ramsey spoke, beginning to write on the board. Allison began to put her books back in her bag, giving Scott a look of hurt as she ran out of the classroom, him followig close behind. 'We seem to have some here today,' the teacher awkwardly remarked as they left.

'Hey, Allie. Everything okay?' I asked as I caught up to her in the corridor.

She nodded, 'Yeah. Scott just sent me some pictures form when we were together ad I don't know if he's trying to hurt me or...'

'He's an idiot, I thought we established this months ago,' I joked, pulling her into a hug. 'Hey, I noticed that you've been hanging out with Jackson a lot recently,' she nodded, 'Just... just be careful, ok?'

'Yeah, of course. I'm always careful,' she giggled


I checked my phone, seeing text from Stiles.

From Stiles:
Hey, would appreciate a bit of help atm. Long-term care at the hospital, ASAP 

'What's... up?' my voice trails off when I see Derek. 'Oh, hi. So what's going on?' I asked, sitting in the back seat of the jeep.

'Scott may have stolen Allison's necklace, we think it might help us,'
I paused for a second, 'Why the hell didn't you ask me to take it?' Stiles' eyes went wide, he hadn't even considered that. They continued to fill me in on what happened.

We got a call from Scott, 'Did you get the picture?'

'Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing,' Stiles answered, gasping as Derek grabbed the phone from him.

'Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening, something!'

'No. No, the thing's flat and no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You're supposed to be here, you're first line!' he paused for a moment, 'Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start.'

'I know,' Stiles sighed, 'Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him... tell him I'll be there. I'll just be there a little bit late, okay? Thanks,' he digged heavily and hung up.

I looked at him in sympathy, 'You're not going to make it.'

'I know.'

'And you didn't tell him about his mom, either,' Derek stated.

'Not till we find out the truth.'

'By the way, one more thing,' Derek smirked a little.

'Yeah?' Stiles asked. Derek suddenly slammed his head into the steering wheel, 'Oh, God. What the hell was-'

'You know what that was for. Go. Go!' Derek shouted as Stiles groaned in pain and got out of the car.

I turned to him and sighed in exasperation, 'Was there any other way to do that?' I asked Derek.


'Yeah, I said I can't find her,' Stiles said from the other end of the phone.

'Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle.'

'Yeah, well he's not here either,' he sighed.


'He's not here. He's gone Derek.'

My eyes widened in realisation and I looked to Derek, 'Oh God. Stiles, get out of there right now. Its him! He's the alpha! Get out!' I shouted into the phone. He hung up. Derek and I scrambled out of the car, rushing into the building.

I punched the nurse in the face, causing her to collapse on the floor, unconscious. 'That's not nice, she's my nurse,' Peter sighed in disappointment. I stood in front of Stiles, shielding him from the alpha's view.

'She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people. You two, get out of the way!' Derek shouted.

'Oh, damn,' I grabbed Stiles and pulled him to the side.

'You think I killed Laura on purpose? My own family?' Peter asked as he strode forwards. Derek bared his fangs, his eyes glowing a steely blue as he jumped at Peter. We both crawled to the side, I wasn't ready for that kind of fight.

'Stiles, we're gonna be fine. We just need to stay hidden.'

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