Chapter Forty-Six: Letharia Vulpina

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You have 15 missed calls

From Chris:
Where are you? Sheriff Stilinski called, he said that you disappeared from the hospital. Call me. Now
Please, Ariana. I won't lose you too

From Allie:
Where are you? Isaac's hurt and Dad says that you and Stiles are officially missing
I'm really scared, please answer me

From Der:
Where are you?
Call me back

From Peter:
Where the hell are you?

From Cora:
Derek said that you were missing. Please just let him know that you're ok, he's a mess

From Lydia:
Where are you? Are you ok?
I forgive you for yelling at me
Ari, please reply

From Scott:
Please tell me that you're ok
I just want to help

From Stilinski:
I'm really worried about you two, please tell me that you're both alright

My phone was taken away from me before I had a chance to read the others. 'I though I told you, no phones,' a husky voice murmured in my ear, making me shiver.

'S-sorry. Can't I at least tell them I'm okay?'

'No!' Void snapped. His expression quickly softened, 'We can't risk them tracing the call. Understand, pet?' I nodded hesitantly. 'Answer me properly,' he snarled, his fingernails digging into my wrist, drawing blood.

'I understand,' I winced as he loosened his grip on me.

He then smiled, kissing me gently. 'Good girl.'

I got up from the bed, stretching and grabbing some clothes. We had been staying in an abandoned cabin in the woods for a couple of days, hiding, planning, waiting. We were ready to go back.


I stood next to Stiles in the school basement, wincing at the noise from the emmiter that he was holding. There was a sound of footsteps and we turned to see Scott and the twins stood at the end of the corridor. Stiles raised his arms in surrender, 'Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me. I swear to God, it's me.'

I gasped as one of the twins shoved me against the wall by my neck,the other did the same to Stiles. Scott ran forwards, 'Wait, stop. I said stop!'

'It's me, Scott. I swear, it's me. I don't know where we've been the last two days or what we've been doing, but this is us. I promise.'

Ethan scoffed, 'You know what happened at the hospital?'

'I know more than that,' he said, crouching next to some blueprints, 'You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see these markings in red? That's my handwriting. I know I did this, I caused the accident. And everything in this bag, it's all stuff that could be part of something bigger.'

Ethan frowned as he held up an electric saw, 'What the hell have you been up to?'

'I think something worse. A lot worse.'

Aiden turned to me, 'And what about you? Have you been helping him or are you just a hostage?'

'I don't know, I don't remember anything.' My voice was quiet and shaky, cracking slightly as I clung onto Stiles' arm.

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