Chapter Twelve: Codebreaker

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Just as Matt and I were leaving the dance, we heard a scream. 'Help me! Somebody help! Help me! Get help, please!' It was Jackson. I rushed over to him, recognising the body lying unconscious in his arms.

'Oh my God, Lydia!' I gasped, 'Matt, call an ambulance!' He nodded, quickly getting out his phone.
As soon as we heard the sirens getting closer, he gently took me by my arm.

'Ari, come on, I'll get you home,' he said in a soft voice.

'B-but Lydia-' I tried to move away but he pulled me back.

'Lydia is in safe hands, we can't do any more. I'm gonna drive you home and you're gonna change out of that dress and into something comfortable and then maybe we can go to the hospital.' I looked down at my dress, realising that there was some blood on it. I nodded, letting him guide me to the car.


I was immediately greeted by a hug from my uncle, Aunt Tori took me by the arm an began to pull me upstairs. 'Thank you, Matt. We'll handle it from here,' said Chris.


'I said we'll take it from here, go home,' his tone was a lot more stern and he glared at Matt a little.

'Thank you, Matt,' I said  in a quiet voice, 'I had fun.' He nodded, sending me one last smile before leaving. As I headed upstairs, I could hear Allison crying. I went into her room and sat next to her.

'S-Scott's... he's a...' she couldn't get the words out.

I nodded. 'I know,' she frowned, 'I... I figured it out a while ago, I just didn't want to scare you.'

'I just don't understand. How's it possible? How could he be a monster?' she sobbed.

I sighed, 'Werewolves aren't monsters, well, not all of them. Most of them are like you or... me, just a little different.'

I trudged anxiously into the living room, seeing my uncle pacing by the fire, Kate was sat on one of the couches. 'Ana, there are some things that we need to talk about, some things we need to tell you,' he started.

'You mean the thing about you guys being werewolf hunters? I know,' I replied. His eyes widened in shock, but Kate's eyes narrowed in suspicion. 

'How could you possibly have known?'

'You were sloppy, kept leaving clues. I figured it out years ago,' I lied quickly.

He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. 'Go pack a bag, I'm having Kate take you and Allison to our base in Washington. You'll be safer there.'

I huffed, "9'That is such bullshi-'

'Go!' he yelled. Making me close my mouth immediately, turning around and rushing upstairs.

Allison and I were sat on her bed in silence, watching her mother pick some clothes for her to take. 'I'm not sure how long you'll be. You want me to pick out anything specific? Sweetheart?' Aunt Tori asked.

'I just saw my boyfriend turn into a werewolf,' Allison murmured, still in shock.

'All right. I'll grab some things myself,' she chuckled. Allison's phone began to ring, but Aunt Tori immediately rushed over to it, grabbing it and turning it off.

'Who was that?' asked Allison, 'Was that Scott?'

'No, somebody named Jackson.'

'What are you gonna to do to him?' I asked nervously.

'That depends. We have a sort of moral code we follow, especially when they're that young,' my eyes widened at her reply, it must have meant that they wouldn't kill me if they found out.

'Scott didn't kill anybody. He couldn't...' Allison cried.

Tori sighed and turned away, 'This is all part of a longer conversation.'

'I wanna know now. Right now.'

'What you want right now doesn't matter! What you need is to stay quiet!' she shouted, 'You're catching a glimpse of something you're not quite ready to see, and there are others outside this family who are not ready for you to see it. Staying quiet is the best protection. Do you understand?' she asked us, a lot more gently. We both nodded, her expression darkened, 'Say it!'

'I understand,' Allison replied and I quickly echoed her words.

She smiled again, 'That's my girls. Now, grab a few warm coats. It'll probably be cold up there.'


We were sat in the car, Kate and Allison in the front and me in the back. Kate looked over at Chris, 'You're not gonna find him on your own.'

He ignored her, leaning forwards to speak to Allison and I. 'We're gonna talk about everything, I promise. Call me when you get there,' he sighed, gently rubbing Allison's cheek.

We nodded and Kate drove away. After a while of silence, I jumped hearing a load growl. Scott! My eye's widened and I went stiff for a moment, easing up as soon as I noticed that Kate was watching.

The car pulled up in the hospital parking lot and Allison got out to see Lydia. I was about to follow her, when I felt Kate grab my wrist, 'Ana, wait up. I need to talk to you,' I gave Allison a reassuring nod and she left.

After a moment's pause, Kate spoke. 'I know what you are,' my eyes widened in fear and I tried to get out, but the doors were locked. I could have sworn that my heart stopped. 'Relax, kid. I'm not gonna hurt you. I've known ever since you were born. I chose not to tell anyone, I chose to protect you and I won't stop. I might have to tell a few lies, though, pretend to hate your... kind.'

'Why?' I asked quietly.

'Because you're my niece and I love you. What happened wasn't your fault, I've never blamed you,' she smiled at me but I just shifted uncomfortably in my seat and scratched my wrist again. The door opened again and Allison silently got in. 'You're getting it now? It's what they do, and they can't help it,' Kate sighed.

'All of them?'

Kate looked at me for a moment before replying, 'Yes, Allison. Even Scott.'

I had to split this into a two-parter because it was way too long

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