Chapter Eleven: Formality

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Allison and I were talking next to our lockers. She closed hers, suddenly revealing Jackson, he was terrified. 'Hey, what time should I pick you up for the dance tomorrow?'

Her eyes widened in surprise, 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm great. I'm just excited to go to the formal. With you. As friends. Just friends. Just... just friends,' he panted, occasionally glancing at something in the distance. They both laughed awkwardly. It wasn't going to end well, I just knew it.


'Hey, sweetheart,' Uncle Chris entered my room and sat on the bed next to me, 'I just wanted to give you your birthday present, thought you might wanna have it before you get a dress.' He handed me a small box, which I took carefully and opened. I gasped, inside the box was a silver ring with a beautiful stone that shone different shades of blue, pink  and white, 'It's Moonstone.'

'It's beautiful!' I cried, hugging him.

'It was your mom's. She never told me where she got it but she told me that she wanted you to have it when you turned seventeen,' he sighed, a sad smile on his face.

'Why seventeen?' I frowned.

'She said that she was seventeen when she was given it, it held a lot of meaning to her,' he replied. I hugged him again, examining the way it reflected the light onto the wall, making patches of blue and purple appear.

 I hugged him again, examining the way it reflected the light onto the wall, making patches of blue and purple appear

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(A/n: the picture above is what the ring looks like)


'You could smile, at least,' Lydia sighed as her, Allison and I stood on one of the escalators at Macy's. 'Ever heard the saying, "Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile?" Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress.'

'Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected.'


'But not as much as I'm gonna ask,' Allison added.

'What? What's that supposed to mean?' Lydia seemed anxious.

'It means, you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else,' I cut in.


'Him,' I looked over at Stiles with a hint of sadness in my smile. It would make him happy, though, I knew that he was in love with her.

'Oh... down frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile!' Allison smiled condescendingly.

'Who did you say you were going with again, Riri?' Allison asked me as I examined a beautiful pale blue and silver dress.

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