Chapter Fourteen: Romeo and Juliet, 2.0

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The girl sighed, trudging up to the large distillery in front of her. It was eerily quiet as she entered, the moonlight shone through the cracks in the ceiling, illuminating the cobwebs and making them shine like silver. She looked down at her pager, rereading the simple message that she had grown so accustomed to seeing:
Usual place. Midnight. x

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder. She gasped, grabbing it and flipping the person onto the floor. 'What the hell, Luke? I could have killed you!' she cried, playfully punching his shoulder.

He winced a little before smirking, 'You could never kill me, I'm too good looking.'

'I hate you,' she sighed, still crouching over him.

'No, you love me,' he corrected, pulling her into a passionate kiss. He pulled her on top of him as they continued, but she let out a gasp of pain. He frowned in concern, 'What happened, are you in pain?'

'Kinda what happens when you have a baby,' she chuckled.

'That was six weeks ago, how...' he trailed off when he saw the look on her face, 'Sorry. How is she?'

The girl took a picture out of her jacket pocket, 'She's okay. Chris and Victoria offered to take care of her tonight,' she said, handing the picture to him.

His eyes widened and a single tear rolled down his cheek. 'She's... she's so... perfect!' he pulled his girlfriend into a tight embrace, 'I'm sorry that I can't be there for her.'

'Luke, it's not your fault. My parents would literally kill you, it's getting really hard to lie about her own father.'

'I know, we'll figure it out. Somehow.'

They sat there in silence for a while, both staring at the picture of their young daughter. Luke suddenly spoke up, 'Marry me.'

The girl's eyes widened in shock, 'What did you just say?'

'I said marry me. We can take her with us, run away. Far away from here. Somewhere that doesn't care what we are, somewhere that we can raise her together,' he looked down at her, hopefully. Then, he pulled a ring out of his pocket.

It shone in the moonlight, reflecting beams of all different colours onto the rusted walls of the abandoned distillery. 'I got this a while ago. It was supposed to be for your birthday, but you'd kinda given birth a couple of days before and I couldn't see you.'

'Luke, I-' her eyes widened in disbelief.

'Elle, please. We don't have to tell anyone, we can just run away. It'll be perfect!' His gaze seemed almost frantic as he tried to give her the ring.

'I... I don't think I'm ready for marriage yet. Of course I love you, but we don't need rings to prove that. I mean, we're seventeen! We have our whole lives ahead of us!' she looked into his eyes. She could stare at them all day, watching how they seemed to mirror the colour of the trees in Summer.

'How about I take this ring as a promise ring? A promise that someday, we'll get out of here. Someday, we'll marry and we'll be free from my psychotic family.'

He paused for a moment, thinking it over before nodding. She began to rummage in her bag, pulling out a key ring. 'I know that this isn't much,' she said as she held it up to him, 'But you should have a ring, too.'

He grinned, standing up and pulling her with him. 'Well then,' he cleared his throat, 'Estelle Clarisse Argent, do you take this ring and promise to wear it every day as a symbol of our love?' he asked in a low, mocking tone.

'I do,' he slipped the ring on her finger, biting his lip as she giggled. 'Lucas Connor Hale, do you take this ring and promise to wear it every day as a symbol of our love?' she asked in the same tone.

'I do. Kiss the hopeful future groom?' he teased. She nodded, leaning in.

 She nodded, leaning in

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(A/n: the first ring is Lucas' and the second is Estelle's)

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(A/n: the first ring is Lucas' and the second is Estelle's)

They had sat back down, talking of their plans for the future. Lucas took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers and smirking at her. 'Well, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do,' she looked at him in surprise.

'Did you just quote Romeo and Juliet to me?'

'Yeah, I know it's your favourite of his plays.'

'Do you even know what happens at the end?' she sighed, watching him as he frowned in confusion.

'I don't know, I haven't gotten round to finishing it yet.'

Estelle scoffed, 'Lucas, it's one of the most famous romances ever. How the hell do you not know?'

He scratched the back of his neck, 'You know I'm failing English,' she burst out laughing, 'What happens?'

She sighed, 'Juliet is betrothed to someone she doesn't want to marry. The night before her wedding, she takes a potion that makes her appear to be dead. She's buried in the family tomb but Romeo manages to get in. When he sees his supposedly dead wife, he drinks a vial of poison. Juliet wakes up, seeing Romeo dead and... stabs herself,' his eyes widened in surprise.

'Oh,' he was silent for a while, 'But it's okay because we're not going to end up like them. We'll be Romeo and Juliet, 2.0.'

She raised her eyebrows, '2.0?'

'Yeah. We'll be like them but without the... dying bit. We're gonna make it out of this mess, all of us.'

Sorry, but I've been wanting to write this part for ages. I also have no clue how a pager works, but never mind. The picture at the top of the chapter is the one that Estelle showed Lucas

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