Chapter Forty-Seven: Echo House

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Trigger Warning: this chapter has some dark themes including su*c*de, murder, etc. (it also gets a little bit steamy at one point). Please take care if these are upsetting. The mental health hospital in this show is represented as a horrible place full of death and torture, this is not a reliable source when looking at real life.

Mental health is very important and we should ideally be trying to reduce the stigma. Please talk to someone you trust if you are worried about symptoms.

I was sat in the car with Stiles and his dad, the journey completely silent. We still weren't sure if this was a good idea. We pulled up outside and I exhaled sharply. I got out, immediately walking over to Stiles. He squeezed my hand and gulped. Eichen House sure looked terrifying.

We turned around as Scott rushed towards us, 'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Because we wanted to avoid something like this,' Stilinski sighed.

'It's only seventy-two hours,' Stiles tried to reassure both Scott and himself, 'Besides, Ari and I will have each other.'

Scott shook his head, 'This is the same place where Barrow came from,the guy who had a tumour inside him filled with flies. You don't know everything yet.'

'I know enough. Nogitsunes, kitsunes, oni, or whatever they're called,' the Sheriff listed.

Stiles shrugged, 'Wow, that was actually all surprisingly correct.'

The man continued, 'Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's and it terrifies me. I'm headed down to LA to talk to a specialist.'

'Then why are you putting them in here?'

'He's not,' I cut in, 'It was our decision. I talked to Chris and he agreed, he's already signed the paperwork.'

Scott frowned, 'Guys, I can't help you if you're in here.'

Stiles sighed, 'And we can't hurt you.'

'Deaton's got some ideas, Argent's calling people. We're gonna find something, and if we can't...'

'If you can't... if you can't, then you have to do something for me, okay?' Stiles said shakily, 'Make sure we never get out.'

Stilinski gestured for us to go and we sent Scott one last look before we opened the gate and headed up the steps towards Eichen House.


We stared around at some of the patients as we entered the lobby. 'Mr Stilinski? Miss Argent?' an orderly called to us, 'This way, please.'

'First seventy-two hours there's no phone calls, no e-mails, no visitors,' the orderly explained as Stiles' dad filled out the paperwork. 'We will be taking you from here to a brief physical. In the morning, you'll be assessed by a staff psychologist, speak to a social worker and attend group therapy.'

Stilinski put the pen down, 'I feel like we're forgetting something.'

The orderly placed two pairs of beige slippers on the desk. 'You will be wearing these, no laces allowed. You two don't have belts, do you?' we shook our heads. She put two trays down in front of us, 'And please empty your pockets in here.'

'Your pillow. Your pillow, we forgot your pillow,' Stilinski muttered.

'Dad, it's okay.'

'No, no. You're never going to be able to fall asleep. We... we gotta go back.'

Stiles grabbed his dad's arm, 'It's fine, Dad. I don't need it.'

The man ignored him, 'I can't believe I forgot it. I mean, every time that we've ever stayed in a hotel, the first thing you pack is your pillow.'

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