Chapter Seventeen: Ice Pick

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I rolled my eyes, watching Allison and Scott flirt as they clambered up the rock-climbing wall. He smirked and she continued to make her way up, glaring at him when she saw him waiting for her at the top after using his werewolf speed. After a second, she kicked his ankle, causing him to fall to the ground.

He lay there, suspended in his harness as we all laughed at him. Coach Finstock sat next to him on the crash mat, 'McCall, I don't know why but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right? All right, next two! Stilinski... Erica. Let's go, the wall.'

I frowned as they began to climb, Stiles made it all the way up and back down but Erica had frozen. She started to whimper and hyperventilate. We made our way forwards as Coach called to her, 'Erica! Dizzy? Is it vertigo?'

Lydia frowned, 'Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out.'


'I-I'm fine,' she gasped.

I leant over to him, 'Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic.'

He looked around at us in shock, 'W-why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? Epileptic? Erica, you're fine! Just... just kick off from the wall. There's... there's a mat to catch you. Come on,' he encouraged.

Erica exhaled before slowly kicking off from the wall and gently sank to the ground. He helped her to regain her balance,' See, you're fine. You're on the ground,' he said quietly. 'You're alright. Shake it off, you're fine,' my eyes widened, he had absolutely no idea how to help, did he? Scott and I watched her as she rushed off, beginning to cry as everyone else laughed and snickered.

To Der:
Erica Reyes.

We rushed into the gym, watching Scott catch Erica as she fell from the wall. Allison, Stiles and I knelt around her. 'Put her on her side. Put her on her side,' Allison instructed. 'How'd you know?' she asked Scott as Erica clutched onto his hand.

'I just felt it,' Scott and I made eye contact and I nodded.


Derek and I were waiting in the car for Erica, she had just entered school to make her debut with a totally new image. Derek sighed, 'Why are you so interested in Stiles?' he asked, 'And don't try to deny it. I can tell.'

I started to fidget with my hands, 'It doesn't matter if I like him, he loves Lydia.'

'He likes you back, I could sense it' my eyes went wide at the revelation. Before I had a chance to respond, Erica got back in the car. I looked out of the window and sent Stiles a sad smile before we drove off.


I tried to sneak back into the house, but a voice stopped me in my tracks. 'Ah, Ariana. Just the person I was hoping to talk to,' I turned around slowly to see Gerard stood there.

'H-hey, Gerard. Can it wait? I've got-'

'Nonsense, come along!' he led me into his office and closed the door. 'I haven't seen much of you lately. I have, however, heard a rumour that you know Isaac Lahey?'

I frowned, 'Y-yeah, I asked him to the Winter Formal a while back. We haven't spoken much.'

'Then why did you ask him?'

'He was alone. He was bullied by everyone, including his own father. I wanted to help him.'

He sat down at the desk, watching me intently. 'And are you helping him now?'

'No... I don't condone murder.'

'But you will protect your friends at all costs? Your family?'

'He's not my friend.'


Derek, Erica, Isaac and I were at the ice rink, waiting for Scott to show. When he did, he began to talk to Boyd. 'Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control at full moon, I mean everything.'

'He told me about the hunters.'

'And that's not enough for you to say no?' Scott paused for a moment, 'Whatever you want, there's better ways to get it.'

'I just want to not eat lunch alone every day.'

'If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek.'

We stepped out of the shadows, 'That really hurt, Scott. I mean, if you're going to review me... at least take a consensus.' Derek remarked, gesturing towards the others. 'Erica, how's life been for you since we met?'

'Hmm. In a word... transformative,' she growled and bared her fangs.


'Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive. But other than that, I'm great.'

Scott sighed, 'Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight.'

'Then go home, Scott,' Derek sneered. He looked over to Erica and Isaac, who began to walk towards Scott. I stayed by Derek, we'd made an agreement earlier that I wouldn't hurt my friends.

Scott suddenly growled, punching the ice below him and shifting, 'I meant fair for them.'

The two new Betas rushed towards him but were almost immediately hurled away. Isaac got back up and strode towards Scott, grabbing him by the throat and shoving him against the large ice resurfacer. Scott slammed Isaac against the ground until Erica jumped on his back.

I sighed and looked away, not really interested in seeing Scott kick their asses. They both ended up on the floor, gasping for breath as Scott stood over them.

'Don't you get it?' Scott yelled, 'He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!' he slid them back over to Derek. I sighed, looking sadly at Scott. I knew that he was right.

'It's true, 'Derek smirked, 'It is about power!' He stalked towards Scott, his eyes glowing red and his fangs and claws bared. He slammed is head into Scott's proceeding to punch and kick him. Scott tried to fight back but was too weak. Eventually, Derek placed his foot on Scott's throat, pushing down.

'Derek, stop it. Now!' I ordered. He sighed, moving his foot away and walking off.

Boyd quickly got down from the resurfacer and looked anxiously at Scott. 'Don't. You don't want to be like them,' Scott reasoned.

Boyd frowned, 'You're right.' He held up his shirt, showing the bite mark. 'I wanna be like you,' he said before turning and following us.

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