Chapter Four: Magic Bullet

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I woke up in the middle of the night, hearing someone moving around downstairs. Opening the door, I crept out onto the landing.

I watched silently, until Uncle Chris stepped out of the shadows below me. 'What's going on?' I asked. He quickly turned to see me as I blearily watched him.

'Your Aunt Kate just texted. I'm heading out to pick her up,' he explained in a hushed whisper.

I frowned, hugging myself tightly, 'It's two in the morning, is everything okay?'

'Yeah, yeah. She's just having a little car trouble,' he softly replied.

'Not serious, is it?'

'No, just a flat tire. Go back to bed, sweetheart.' I nodded, rubbing my eyes as I went back to my room. Something was wrong, he was lying about something.

Allison and I rushed into the spare room, letting out screeches of excitement as we were met with the sight of our aunt Kate. She grinned with excitement, hugging both of us tightly. 'I don't see you two for a year and you turn into freaking runway models? Look at you! Oh, I hate you,' she gushed.

Allison smiled bashfully, hugging her legs close to her chest. 'I haven't even showered yet.'

'Sweetie, you're a knockout. In fact, I hope you both have the boys knocking each other's teeth out for your attention,' she teased.

Allison blushed a little as she shrugged, 'I kind of have one.'

Kate's eyes widen, 'You kind of have one? You should both kind of have a million.' We all laughed and she continued to unpack.

'Do you need some help unpac-'

'No, not that one!' I had tried to help her, but she hurriedly grabbed my wrist. She sighed, looking down in shame. 'See, you two turn out beautiful and I end up with this kung fu death grip,' she joked, 'Sorry, sweetie, I didn't mean to be so rough.'

'No worries,' I assured her, giving Allie a small smile. 'Hey, is everything okay with your car?' I asked, remembering the previous night.

'Uh, yeah. I just needed a jump-start, that's all,' she called from the bathroom.

Allison frowned and looked at me quizzically. I had already told her about it. 'A jump-start?' we both frowned at each other


'Scott's coming over tonight?' Lydia asked Allison.

'We're just studying together,' Allison replied, not entirely sure what the fuss was about.

'Just studying never ends with just studying. It's like getting into a hot tub, somebody eventually cops a feel,' she chirped.

Allison frowned, 'So, what are you saying?'

Lydia paused on the stairs, sighing. 'I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up,' Allison still looked confused, 'Hello, Snow White, I'm talking about a condom!'

'Are you kidding?' Allison scoffed, "After one date?'

Lydia rolled her eyes, 'Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste.'

Allison held her back again, 'Well, I mean, how much is a little taste?' she said quietly, looking around.

'Oh, God. You really like him, don't you?' Lydia asked.

'Well, he's just different. When we first moved here I had a plan, no boyfriends till college, I just move too much. But then I met him, and he was different. I don't know, I can't explain it,' she sighed, fidgeting with her hands.

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