Chapter Five: The Tell

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Allison and I were in her room, getting ready for school when we heard a knock on the door. We both looked over, seeing Kate enter the room. It was probably something to do with her accusing Scott of stealing from her the other night.

'Hey,' she said, grinning awkwardly and scratching the back of her head as she made her way over to Allison. 'Listen, you know I feel totally horrible about my behaviour the other night, right?'

'Oh, totally forgotten,' Allison reassured her.

'No, not forgotten by me. Come on, call me a horrid bitch or something,' she sighed in embarrassment.

'You were just being protective.'

'I was being a protective horrid bitch who is giving her birthday present early, so you'll forgive her,' she said hopefully. Allison opened the small box, gasping when she saw a silver necklace with a wolf on it. 'Forgiven?'

'Completely, I love it!'

'It's a family heirloom. And you know me, I hate and loathe all sentimental crap, but that, well, look at the symbol in the middle of the pendant. See that?'

'Yeah,' Allison and I gazed at the symbol, my eyes growing wide.

'You ever wanna learn a little something about your family? Look it up.'

Allison scoffed, 'You're gonna make me work for it?"'

Kate took the necklace from her, placing it gently around her neck. 'Some mysteries are worth the effort.' Allison grinned and pulled her into a hug before we both left. 'Okay, bye!' Kate muttered, turning to look at me with a faint smirk.


As I headed to class, I saw that Allison had sent me a text.

From Allie:
Scott somehow managed to talk me into skipping today, promise you'll cover for me?

To Allie:
Of course, have a great day. Remember the parent/teacher conference is tonight, don't be late!

I was sat in one of my least favourite classes: Chemistry with Mr Harris, the guy was such a jerk. 'Just a friendly reminder, parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a C average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment.'

He looked pointedly at Stiles before continuing,' Has anyone seen Scott McCall?' Stiles look around before staring up at Mr Harris, the lid of his highlighter pen still in his mouth.

The door opened as Jackson trudged into the classroom, looking a little pale. Mr Harris put a hand on his shoulder, 'Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know.' Jackson nodded silently.

'Everyone, start reading chapter nine,' he paused in front of the board, 'Mr Stilinski, try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a colouring book.' Stiles sighed, spitting the lid into the air and catching it, sending a glare towards him

'Hey Danny, can I ask you a question?' he whispered as he leant over to Danny.


'Well, I'm gonna ask anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?'

Danny sighed, 'No.'

Stiles leaned closer, 'Can I ask you another question?'

'Answer's still no.'

'Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?'

He was silent for a moment, before replying, 'He wouldn't tell me.'

'But he's your best friend,' Stiles reasoned. Danny only shrugged in response. 'One more question.'

'What?' Danny seemed to be becoming increasingly frustrated at Stiles' questions.

'Do you find me attractive?' I chuckled a little, wincing at the loud clattering sound that Stiles caused as he fell off of his chair.


'Did you know about this?' Uncle Chris growled, storming out of the classroom.

'Know about what?' I asked innocently.

'Allison skipped school today. I know that she told you, so don't pretend you don't know.'

'It's just a day. Besides, I can't blame her. Every single birthday, we have to hear people assume all this stupid stuff because we're a year older. Maybe if you could think about your family's well being instead of your stupid job, we might not need to have this conversation!'

I immediately went silent, I couldn't believe that I just said that. He starts to walk off and I run after him, 'Wait, I didn't mean-'

'I know what you meant.'

'Allison, answering your cell phone will make discussing the terms of your grounding much easier. Well, call me back before your punishment reaches biblical proportions.' I silently follow my aunt and uncle as they try to reach Allison.

'Kate hasn't heard from her either,' Aunt Tori sighed worriedly.
A woman walked up to us looking equally as concerned as them.

'Excuse me, you're not Allison's parents, are you?' she asked anxiously, 'I'm Scott's mom and I hate to say it, but he's not answering his phone either.'

'You're Scott's mother?'

'Funny how you say that like it's an accusation,' she replied, looking slightly offended.

'Well, I wouldn't claim it as a source of pride since he basically kidnapped my daughter today!' I tried to cut in and defend him, but my aunt shot me a warning glare.

Scott's mom scoffed, 'How do we know skipping school wasn't your daughter's idea?'

'My daughter...' he paused, looking over to the car that just pulled up nearby, ' right there.'

Aunt Tori took me by the arm and dragged me over to where Allison and Scott stood, I stared at the ground in shame. 'Allison, in the car.' She looked up at her father in fear, clinging to Scott's arm.

Suddenly, the sound of screaming split through the night. Scott and I looked at each other in confusion as people began to run in all directions, screaming and yelling.

A growling sound came from the distance and I immediately backed away, feeling panic start to set in as I was pushed and shoved from all direction. I felt arms wrap around me and looked up to see Aunt Tori.

We rushed over to where Allison and Scott were stood, she immediately pulled me into a hug, helping me to calm my breathing.

Two gunshots rang out. After a few moments of silence, people began to gather round in the middle of the parking lot. A mountain lion lay on the ground, it's eyes wide and a bloody bullet wound in its side. It was dead. Allison hugged me tighter, staring at her father in silence.

Thank you for reading!

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