Chapter Eight: Lunatic

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It's been a couple of days since... whatever happened in the school and we were finally allowed back. Allison tried to open the car door, sighing in frustration when she realised that it was locked. 'Dad, if you're going to insist on driving us to school, you at least have to let us out of the car.'

He looked around anxiously, focusing his attention on a taped up window on the second floor for a second. 'Kate, what's your opinion on home schooling?'

'Hmm... well, you know, I'm more of a learning-by-doing kind of girl.'

Allison sighed again, 'What's your opinion on overprotective dads who keep ruining their daughter's and niece's lives?' Kate thought it over for a second before leaning over and pressing the button to unlock the door, giving Chris a cheeky grin.

'Thank you,' I whispered.

'You're welcome,' she whispered back before we got out, heading up the steps.


'It's just weird. Everybody's talking about what happened the other night and nobody knows it was us,' Allison said as the three of us walked through school.

Lydia scoffs, 'Thank you for the protection of minors.'

'Lydia, do you think I made the wrong decision?'

'About that jacket with that dress? Absolutely.'

'You know what I mean!'

'Hello? Scott locked us in that classroom and left us for dead. He's lucky we're not pressing charges or making him pay our therapy bills,' Lydia smirked.

I rolled my eyes, 'Maybe he had a reason for doing that, maybe he thought that it would protect us.'

I groaned, entering the classroom where our test would be taking place. The teacher supervising us was none other than Mr Harris. 'Miss Argent, I you could refrain from scowling everytime you enter a classroom, it would be very much appreciated. It is not my fault that you dislike learning important life skills.'

I raised my eyebrows, storming off to my seat and slumping down in it. I saw Stiles smirking and kicked his ankle, earning a gasp of betrayal.

'You have forty-five minutes to complete the test. Twenty-five percent of your grade can be earned right now, simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book. However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So, let's get the disappointment over with. Begin,' he pressed a button on a stopwatch and went over to his desk.

As the test went on, I noticed that Scott's heart rate had risen and he was glancing around in panic. Suddenly, he picked his bag up and ran out of the room. 'Mr McCall!' Harris called, 'Mr Stilinski!' he called again as the two boys sprinted off.


'Hey, sweetie. I'm teaching Allison how to use a stun gun if you wanna try,' Kate said, sticking her head round the door.

'Um, I'm okay. But I wouldn't mind watching!' I add with a grin.

'Just promise me you won't tell your uncle? He seems pretty close to kicking me out,' I nodded, smiling.

Allison was stood in her bedroom, pointing the weapon at a little teddy bear. 'Okay,' Kate sighed, rubbing her hands together, 'Well, what's our hapless victim's name?'

'Mr Bear.'

'You named your teddy bear Mr Bear? That's, like, the worst teddy bear name in the world,' I teased.

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