Chapter Fifty: The Divine Move

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We strode into the hospital, glancing around before approaching the front desk. 'Hi, there. Could you page Melissa McCall for me, please?

The nurse stared behind us in terror, probably a little scared of the demons that stood behind us. One of the oni reached forward, stabbing the nurse before he could call for help. I sent him a little wave before he keeled over.

'Well, I guess I'll just find her myself,' Void sighed in disappointment.

The hospital was filled with chaos as people ran from us, screaming in terror. I watched a few of the nurses, impressed that they actually tried to fight, even if the only weapons they had were bed pans.

'Darling?' He turned to look at me.


He looked at me expectantly. 'Feeling a little peckish,' he stated as he held out his hand.

I immediately nodded, letting him grab my arm and feed from the pain that had gradually increased over time, starting to reside as a burning ache that filled my entire body. My eyes rolled back and my legs buckled as the short moment of relief began to drain my energy away along with the pain. He quickly caught me and let me lean against him, 'Thank you, pet.'

'I... I don't think I can manage doing that for much longer,' I whispered, fearful for his answer.

He shrugged, roughly pulling me along as we began to walk again. 'You'll be fine. I mean, unless you want me to find someone else?' he scoffed, raising an eyebrow.

'N-no, of course not. You're... you're completely right. I'm sorry,' I gasped.



I sat next to Void on the school steps. My vision had started to blur a little and I could barely walk but I brushed it off. My life came in second to His, He needed my pain to feed on and I would give it willingly every single time.

Derek approached us, holding a small box in his hands. 'Did you bring us a present?' Void sneered.

The twins walked over, standing either side of him, 'I brought two.'

'I've heard of an Alpha pack, Derek, but not a pack of former Alphas. It's a little sad, isn't it?'

'I might not be an Alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one!' The three Omegas bared their fangs, furiously charging towards the oni.

As soon as the fighting started, we began to retreat up the steps, watching from afar. An arrow flew through the air, hitting one of the oni. It erupted in green light and smoke.

Isaac jumped down from the roof, grinning at them. 'What was that?' Ethan gasped.

'Silver,' Chris called. I stared at him for a moment before Void dragged me away, heading towards the school.

Scott ran into the school, followed by his friends. 'We're okay. We're-' he was cut off as Void threw him against the lockers. Kira span around, brandishing her sword at Him but she was knocked down too.

I could feel Stiles' gaze on me but I ignored him, keeping my eyes on Void. 'This was my game,' he growled, 'You think you can beat me at my game?'

He began to storm towards them, 'Divine move, divine move, you think you have any moves at all? You can kill the oni. But me? Me? I'm a thousand years old, you can't kill me!'

'But we can change you,' Lydia interrupted.


Stiles stood up straight, glaring at Him, 'You forgot about the scroll.'

'The Shugendo scroll,' the redhead continued.

Void's face fell and I frowned, 'What does she mean?'

'Change the host,' he whispered.

'You can't be a fox and a wolf.'

I gasped as someone pushed me aside. A scream of pain snapped md out of my dazed state and I looked up in horror to see that Scott had sunk his teeth into Void's shoulder. Kira plunged her sword through His chest.

'No!' I shrieked, desperately reaching out for him. I watched in horror as He fell to floor, His mouth opening as a fly emerged. I staggered to my feet, feeling myself getting weaker and weaker.

The buzzing was quickly silenced as Isaac trapped it in the box.

Void began to shake and gasp, cracks began to appear across His face as He stopped moving. After a moment, He keeled over, fading into a thick cloud of smoke. I stared at the spot where He'd been, taking a few shaky steps forwards.

The room started to spin around me and I crumpled on the ground as darkness overcame me for what I hoped would be the last time. He was gone, and maybe it was my time too.

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