Chapter Forty-Five: Riddled

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I groaned, waking up in the middle of the night to hear my phone buzzing. 'Scott, its the middle of the night. This had better be good.'

'Ari, Stiles just called me. He said that he's stuck somewhere, a... a basement or something. He said that it's dark and cold and h-his legs hurt.'

'Have you called his dad?' there was silence for a moment, 'Scott? Did you call his dad?'

'N-no. He made me promise not to, I... I promised him!'

'Yeah? Well, I didn't.' I hung up, quickly pulling some random clothes on as I dialed his dad's number.

'Ariana, is everything okay?'

I sighed, 'Scott just called me, apparently Stiles phoned him and said that we was stuck in some kind of basement, that it was dark a-and cold and he had an injured leg.'

'What?' he yelled. I could hear his footsteps thundering against the floor and a shaky sigh, 'He's not in his room.'


When I ran into Stiles' room, Lydia and Aiden were already there. 'Let me guess, you had one of your premonitions?' I asked.


I frowned, making my way over to the bed, the red strings from his murder board had all been tied around a pair of scissors which were impaled in the bed.

Scott and Isaac rushed in, he stared at Lydia in confusion, 'How did you know? Did he call you too?'

'I heard it.'

'Don't ask,' Aiden piped up, 'It gets more confusing when you ask.'

I gestured towards the bed, 'Not as confusing as this. He uses red for unsolved cases.'

Aiden shrugged, 'Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case?'

'Or is an unsolved case,' Isaac pondered.

'Hold on. Is he still out there?' Lydia asked as she looked around at us, 'You don't know where he is?'

Scott shook his head, 'He said he's in an industrial basement somewhere.'

'We came here to get a better scent,' Isaac continued anxiously.

'What else did he say?'

Scott sighed, 'Something's wrong with his leg. It's bleeding.'

'And he's freezing.'

Aiden huffed, 'Tonight's the coldest night of the year, it's going to drop into the twenties.'

Lydia paused nervously before speaking again, 'What did his dad say?'

'I kind of... I haven't told him yet.'

'Stiles is bleeding and freezing and you didn't call his dad?'

'I did,' I argued irritably, 'But he doesn't know anything.'

Scott looked down at his feet, 'Look, if he was sleepwalking he couldn't have gotten far, right?'

I began to frantically drum my fingers against the desk, 'You guys didn't notice his jeep is gone, did you?'

'You guys remember she gets these feelings when somebody's about to die, right?' Aiden snapped.

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