Chapter Forty-Two: Galvanize

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'Get your ass down here know, we have a job to do.'

Stiles was on the phone with Scott as we entered the locker room, 'We do this for Coach! Whatever, okay? You know he needs this. He lives for this stuff, you know, he loves it.' Stiles checked his watch as the call continued, '12:15, actually. Which means it's after midnight and officially Mischief Night/Day, and, by perfectly awesome coincidence, it also happens to be Coach's birthday.'

He pulled a drill out of his bag, 'So if you are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you. Okay? And I mean five, four, three, two-'

He turned around, yelping in surprise and falling to the floor when he found Scott stood behind him, his eyes glowing red. 'One.'

'I hate you. And you,' Stiles pointed at me accusingly, 'Aren't meant to laugh at me.'

'I can when you're an idiot. It's why I laugh so much when I'm around you,' I shrugged, 'Kidding.'


Stiles and I made our way over to Scott, seeing him talking to the twins. 'You're back in school?' Scott asked.

'No, just to talk,' Ethan said.

Stiles scoffed, 'Oh, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Seeing as how usually, you're just hurting, maiming and killing.'

Aiden rolled his eyes, 'You need a pack, we need an Alpha.'

'Yeah, absolutely not. That's hilarious, though.'

'You came to us for help, we helped.'

I frowned, 'You beat his face into a bloody pulp, not exactly helpful. I could always return the favour.'

Scott looked at them curiously, 'Why would I say yes?'

'We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no.'

Isaac walked over to us, 'I can think of one. Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now.'

Ethan growled, his eyes glowing bright blue. 'You wanna try?'

Scott grabbed Isaac's wrist as he tried to lunge at the Omega. 'Sorry, but they don't trust you and neither do I,' we all walked past them.

As we entered school, a roll of toilet paper was thrown at Stiles. 'Alright, that's my face! Hey, dude, good decision, buddy,' he patted Scott's shoulder, 'Good Alpha decision.'

'I hope so.'

'No, you know so.'

Scott and I waited as Stiles went into his locker, I frowned following Scott's gaze across the hallway to Kira. Stiles glanced at the girl and then back at Scott, 'What are you looking at?'


'You. You looking at her?'

Scott paused, 'Her? Who her?'

I rolled my eyes, 'Her her. Kira. You like her?'

'No. I mean... yeah, yeah, she's okay. She's new.'

Stiles shrugged, 'So ask her out.'


'Yes, now.'

Scott's eyes widened in fear, 'Right now?'

Stiles nodded, patting his back, 'Right now. Scott, I don't think you get it yet. You're an Alpha, you're the apex predator. Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that every guy wants.'

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