Chapter Thirty-Four: Currents

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Sheriff Stilinski, Mrs McCall, Scott, Stiles and I were stood outside the hospital after two doctors had been taken by the Darach. 'Two missing,' Scott explained

Stilinski cut him off, 'Hang on there, they were both in the car?'

'No, Dad. They're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone,' Stiles huffed.

The man looked over at the abandoned car, 'So whose car is this?'

'Dr Hilyard,' Mrs McCall explained, 'The on-call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it in.'

'Let me just focus on this one first, alright?' he asked, she nodded. 'Guys, give us a second.' We reluctantly left after a moment's pause.

Scott looked to both of us, 'These are definitely sacrifices, right?'

'Yeah, it's one Deaton mentioned. Healers,' Stiles sighed.

'What about Danny? He threw up mistletoe, that's not a coincidence. And if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would have died. And Danny's not a healer.'

Stiles began to speak but cut himself off, frowning as he watched his dad on the phone. 'Can you hear that?' he asked us.

We went silent for a moment, leaning a little closer to the man. My eyes widened and Scott replied, 'They found a body.'


Ms Blake entered our chemistry classroom, 'Good morning. As you all know, Mr Harris is still missing... I mean, sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?'

Stiles leaned over to Scott, 'Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled, but did die from asphyxiation. They just don't know how.'

'Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?' he asked.

'I don't know. But, Scott, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital. At least. You know? Any one of them could be next.'

Scott's phone started ringing and he ducked under his desk to answer it, 'Hey, Doc. Sorry, but I'm in class right now. Can I call you back later?'

After a moment, his eyes went wide and he turned to Stiles and I, 'Deaton's been taken!' he gasped before grabbing his things and running out of class, shouting an excuse to Ms Blake.

I looked at Stiles in panic. 'Call your dad,' I instructed as we followed after him.


We were sat in the Animal Clinic, talking to Stiles' dad. 'Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school,' he said. We nodded silently as he walked off. As soon as he was gone, Scott gestured for us to follow him into one of the back rooms.

'We have to tell him,' Scott sighed.

Stiles frowned, 'You mean, like, "tell him" tell him? Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you wanna tell him?'

'You know what I mean.'

I quickly cut in, 'You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week.'

'And she got over it, and it actually made us closer.'

'I don't know dude,' Stiles muttered, 'I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is.'

'He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening. He's got people dying in his town, the town that he's supposed to protect, and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later.'

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