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I sighed as I glanced out of the car window. It was dark outside, the rain was pouring down and the bare branches of the trees seemed to claw at the sky. I realised that I was being watched and looked up to see my aunt glancing worriedly at me. A small half-smile seemed to be enough to reassure her that all was well. I returned my gaze to the sky, scratching my wrist anxiously and bouncing my knee, hoping that it would ease at least some of my nerves.

I looked up again, sensing my cousin's unrest as her mother began to speak to her. 'Your father is a highly respected private security consultant, and a federally licensed firearms dealer. That's not exactly a 9 to 5 office job, the hours are always going to be like this.'

Allison sighed and awkwardly smiled, 'I get it. It's just... it's kind of weird when he takes off in the middle of the night, rushing out with duffel bags full of automatic weapons.' She suddenly let out a gasp and yelped, "Mom, look out!"

I sat up abruptly as the car swerved around, my aunt desperately trying not to hit the boy who had run into the road. A cry of shock fell from my mouth, 'You almost killed him!'

'He ran out into the middle of the road.'

'Okay. Well, we have to go back'

'Go back?' she didn't seem happy.

'Auntie, what if he's hurt?' I tried to reason with her, but Allison managed to convince her in the end.

'Mom, turn around. Mom!'

The car quickly turned around as we went back for the mysterious boy. As soon as the car stopped, we hurried out and began to follow the trail of footprints that left the road.

'Allison, Ariana!' her mother began to shout, following us into the torrential rain. 'Girls!'

I ran, slipping a few times as I  desperately tried to catch up with my cousin who was entering the nearby forest. I frowned, seeing something strange in the mud. As I picked it up, I realised that it was an inhaler. Allison and I looked around anxiously, hoping to find the mysterious and presumably asthmatic boy.

My aunt caught up to us, gasping for breath and shivering. She glared at the inhaler in my hand, saying 'All right, that's enough. Back in the car, both of you!'

But her frustrated glare soon became fearful as we heard a sound. A howl, like a wolf's howl. It was impossible, though. There hadn't been wolves in California for hundreds of years.

My thoughts were interrupted as Aunt Tori snatched the inhaler out of my hand and threw it aside, grabbing both of us and leading us back to the car. She was furious, glaring at us as droplets of rainwater ran down her face. 'Let's get you two home.'


'Do you think he'll be okay?' I asked Allison as I gently tapped my fingers against my mug of hot chocolate. We were both sat in her room, discussing the possible events at the new school we were to start at.

'Who?' she absent-mindedly questioned, trying to decide between two outfits.

'The boy, the one that Aunt Tori almost hit?' I sighed.

She sat next to me and rubbed my arm affectionately. 'I'm sure he's fine. Y'know, maybe you should try to stop worrying about everyone else, isn't that why you got so bad?'

'I know, but what if letting down my guard gets other people hurt?' I sighed, letting my head droop a little.

'I know that the last time you were here, things didn't go well. But that was a long time ago. This is a chance to start again. A new chapter, a new us!' she dragged me up from the chair and started gently shaking me, a huge grin on her face. I couldn't  help but laugh, rolling my eyes at her childishness.

The door opened as Aunt Tori entered the room,' Come on ladies, time for bed. You've got a busy day ahead of you tomorrow.' She reached out her hand, beckoning for me to follow her. I gave my cousin another small smile and a nod before following my aunt out.

Just before I entered my bedroom, I felt a hand on my arm. Looking up, I saw the concerned look that my aunt often wore around me.

'Look, I'm sorry about earlier, sweetheart. I shouldn't have been so harsh, I was just tired and wanted to go home. The rain wasn't exactly making things better,' she said with a small laugh, 'I hope that it won't be too strange to be back in Beacon Hills. your uncle and I want you to feel safe here. We want you to be happy, to get better.'

I nodded, accepting her hug and giving her another awkward smile before closing my door and collapsing on the bed. Listening to the sound of her footsteps as she retreated to her room, I waited for her door to close before letting out a huff of exhaustion.

I had a terrible feeling that this wasn't just another relocation, something was going to happen, maybe many things, and I had an overwhelming fear that those things wouldn't be good

So, that was the introduction. Sorry that it didn't give much information on Ariana. I wanted to build her character up slowly through the chapters, (idk if that will work). Thank you for reading this far and I hope that you enjoyed it and want to continue reading.
P.S. I'm going to be editing this (when I remember) so please forgive any changes, etc.

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