Chapter Twenty-One: Restraint

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As soon as I got home, I crashed onto my bed and sighed as I looked at my phone. Stiles had tried to call me three times and had left several texts.

From Stiles:
Hey, Ari?
Is everything okay?
I'm sorry, I should have asked before I did that. It was stupid
And wrong
And did I mention stupid?
Did I do something wrong?

Apart from the whole kissing thing,
please let me know that you're okay.
I don't know if you're not answering because of what I did or if something bad happened to you. I'm sorry and I'm worried. Please call or text me back

I turned my phone off, and curled up on my bed. It wasn't his fault, I didn't hate him. I just knew that it wouldn't work. He deserved better than me. I wanted to text him so badly but I knew that I'd somehow make everything worse, the best thing was probably to just ignore him and act like it never happened. He could find someone who'd make him happy.


I walked down the corridor near the locker room, I frowned hearing a noise from the boys' locker room. I crept up to the door and was just about to open it when it flew open. Matt chuckled, 'You scared the hell out of me!'

'Sorry, I... I was just, um, I was...' I laughed a little as I cursed my nerves, 'Nothing.'

'Huh. That's a... nice heels,' he pointed to my shoes which I'd completely forgotten to put back on.

'Oh. Yeah, uh, my feet were hurting, so I...' I quickly put them back on.

He grinned awkwardly, 'Yeah, same reason I never wear mine.'

'What?' I asked, having zoned out for a second

'Uh, forget it. Um, hey, did you hear about the underground show? Apparently, they've got some big names spinning.'

I frowned for a second, 'Oh, you mean like a rave?'

'Well, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party,' I had no idea what he was talking about, 'But hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?'

'Yeah. Yeah, great. But, uh, I kinda struggle sometimes with crowded spaces so...' I tried to get myself out of the situation, having no idea why I said yes in the first place.

'It's okay, me too. We can keep each other company,' he began to walk away but kept facing me, 'It's Friday, so... looking forward to it.'

'Yeah.' As soon as he was gone, I cursed silently. Sure, Matt was nice, but I had just sort of turned down Stiles and I felt so wrong. That's the problem with anxiety, it can be impossible to say no to people. Or say yes to others. Rolling my eyes, I went to the girl's locker room to get my bag.

I frowned, hearing shouting and clattering. I removed my earphones before rushing past Stiles and Erica and staring at the scene that awaited me in the boy's locker room. Allison cowered in the corner as Scott and Jackson fought each other, smashing sinks and denting lockers.

I sprinted over to Allison, hugging her as we yelled at them to stop. They slammed through the door, Erica lunging forward to pull Jackson back and me and Stiles holding Scott.

'What the hell's going on?' Harris strode down the hallway towards us, 'Hey, enough! Hey! What do you idiots think you're doing?' He turned to Jackson, who was panting in rage and glaring murderously at Scott, 'Jackson, calm down! Mr McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski?'

'You dropped this,' Matt said quietly, holding an iPad towards Scott.

Harris snatched it out of his hand, pointing to Scott and Jackson. 'You and you...' he paused, 'Actually, all of you... detention. Three o'clock.' I frowned in annoyance, that man was pure evil.

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