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Allison Janae Danvers had known Victor "Happy" Lowman pretty much her entire life. His mom, Elena, had been so excited when they had finally gotten together. She had his back thru numerous jail stints as he joined the SOA. It was something he wanted and she was right there by his side being extremely unaware of the inner workings of the club.

The two were married while they lived in Tacoma as he became a full member of the club. His special skill set and lack of empathy for people who threatened his family were cherished within the club. Allison began to find herself home alone more as he travelled to other charters to handle their dirty work.

Their first child, Ryder Anthony, arrived after they had an argument over how often Happy was gone. He had done his best to assure Allison that she was his life and she had gotten pregnant. He had been unsure about bringing a child into the world but the joy it brought to his wife had calmed him. The moment his son was placed in his arms, all of his fears disappeared. He would kill for his son.

Their second child was conceived in virtually the same manor. Allison was pissed at him for not being around and Ryder barely knowing him.

"Happy, I'm pregnant," she told him when he called from the road.

"Again?" he asked.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Al, I ain't mean it like that."

"Nevermind Happy. Enjoy your club whores. I got this shit here."

She had hung up on him and ignored his calls for two days. He had finally called Kozik to go check on them.

"They are good, she is just pissed at you," Koz had informed him.

He sighed heavily. Allison could hold a grudge and it wasn't pretty when she did. He knew he would have to fix it before the baby arrived. His second son became, Noah James. Happy had managed to pull Allison back in by the time he had arrived.

Happy had spent more time at home as the boys got a bit older. He realized that no one really warmed his bed the way that Allison did. She was really his ride or die. They discussed moving after she got pregnant for the third time. He was needed in Charming a lot more so they chose to move before their daughter was born.

He kept his family from the club for a while until Gemma discovered them and then it was a done deal. She had them at all the family dinners and barbecue's on the lot. Allison enjoyed it though. The boys got along with the Teller boys as well. Allison had Emersyn Noelle about six months after the move.

Happy slowly began to feel smothered at home with the kids and his wife. It was like they always needed something as Ryder started school and Noah began preschool. He found himself on the road more. The jump to Charming was good though because he was closer to his mother.

"Ma, I'm drowning," he said.

"Boy don't you hurt that girl or those babies. They love you. Allie has had your back since you were kids. She has always been there for you. Who else would have stayed for that 14 months you did in prison?" his mother demanded.

Happy hung his head and nodded. She was right and he knew it. The club was going in a dangerous direction and it was stressing him out. He had a lot to juggle and the demands of his wife and kids were suffocating.

He returned home that night to find his wife, crying at the table. He took his Kutte and hung it on the hook by the door.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked.

"Nothing," she sniffed.

"Al, I know better. What's going on?"

"Maybe you should ask the slut who showed up here tonight to tell you she is pregnant with your kid."

"Not possible. I ain't doing that shit."

"Do I look stupid to you?"

"No, but I ain't doing shit."

Her face hardened and she glared at him. She threw a stack of photos of him with other women on the table.

"Really cuz this shit keeps finding its way to our home," she snapped.

"Allison, I'm fuckin telling you I ain't doing shit. You ain't ever heard of Photoshop?" he growled.

She glared at him. He glared right back at her. Their stand off resulted in a trip to their bedroom for some extremely angry sex.

Two months later brought on a positive pregnancy test. Happy had discovered the croweater pregnancy wasn't his child thankfully as he knew that his wife would leave him for good then.

Allison went to the lot after her 20 week appointment. Happy had missed it after promising to be there. It was their gender scan. She entered the clubhouse with Emersyn on her hip.

"Hey Doll," Tig smiled at her.

"Where is he?" she asked.

"I don't know,"

"Take her so I can go to his room."

"Al, you don't want to go back there."

"Tig, don't cover for him. Just take her."

She handed off her daughter and went back to the dorm. She could hear the moans as she got closer to the door. Her heart broke as she pushed open the door.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Happy growled without stopping or turning around.

"Coming to tell you, we are done," she snapped before slamming the door and leaving the clubhouse.

She had Emersyn in the car and was ready to pull out when he came out of the clubhouse. She flipped him off as she left. He headed for his bike. She was already home when he arrived.

She was in their room, packing his clothes. Emersyn was at their door crying. She was only two and no idea what was going on. Tears rolled down Allison's face as she packed his clothes.

"What are you doing?" he demanded as he picked up their daughter.

"I am done. You have to go. I can't do this shit anymore." she sniffed. "You missed my appointment today to fuck someone else. You don't want to be here so you are free now."

She snatched her daughter from his arms and threw the now packed bag at him.

"Allison." he began.

"Get the fuck out," she growled.

He did as she asked and left. He moved into his dorm room at the clubhouse. Allison avoided him at all costs as it hurt too much. That was how they ended up where they were now. He wanted to fix it and go home, but she didn't. She was tired of being hurt and being second best to club girls.

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