Chapter 1

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Hey guys I wrote this when I was younger and let's just say it's not the best and it's super cringey I advise you not to read this, but you're more than welcome to read my newer ones :D


My name is Alyssa Moore I'm in my senior year of high school and I get bullied by Calum hood and his friends. I'm happy to say I am so relieved it is my last year at the hell hole. I won't be seeing Calum or his friends ever again. I just hope they're nicer to me, but I really doubt that. Today is Monday which means school. Yay! *note sarcasm* I hate school because of Calum Hood and his friends. Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, and Michael Clifford. We used to be best friends, the best of friends actually. As close as two people can be without any crushes or anything it was all friendly. Sadly, he chose popularity over me and he changed. High changed him big time and can I just say I miss the old Calum.

I finished putting my shoes on and I headed off to school. I don't exactly have a car yet, it's because I've failed my driver tests, like spongebob. So I walked to school and as soon as I entered school the comments started. 'The slut has entered' 'Why won't she die already'. Stuff like that. But I was used to it so I ignored it as usual. I was walking to my locker when suddenly I got pushed into it. I looked and I saw Calum and his friends. "Hey slut." Calum spat. I ignored him and just walked past by him. "Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you." He snapped and pinned me to the wall. "S-sorry." I stuttered. "You better be bitch." He punched me in the stomach. I winced in pain and fell down to the floor. "Pathetic." He spat and laughed with his friends. I got up and ran to class good thing it was study hall. I didn't bother going to the nurse because she would've contacted my parents and Calum said if anyone of our parents found out he would've gotten in big trouble and I would've gotten it worse. In the rest of those words. I remember his mum teaching him to never hit a girl, so I can imagine Joy being disappointed.


It was lunch at the moment I don't have friends because of Calum. So I always eat alone. I ignore the disgusted looks, the rude comments as usual. I didn't bother eating since everyone says I'm a fatass anyway. I sighed just waiting for lunch to be over with. I went on my phone going on my social media when I saw these hurtful comments under one of my pictures. The sad thing is I took it today and I felt confident with myself. I actually thought I looked pretty. I finally got some self esteem, but that's long gone by now obviously.

The lunch bell rang and I went to throw my food away when Calum stuck his foot out making me trip and fall in a trash can. It was then when I realized I wanted to kill myself and save me from the misery. I had so much food on me, everyone was laughing and I mean everyone. I ran to the restroom crying.

I did the best I could to get the garbage off of me and the stench, but it was no use. I went back to class not even caring if I was late or not. When I entered everyone was pinching their nose. As a joke. I fucking hate Calum and his friends.

The rest of the day was boring, besides the fact I got pushed in a trash can at lunch making everyone laugh at me. Thanks to Calum. I was walking home when someone pulled me in the back of the school. It was Ashton. I saw Calum, Michael, and Luke all standing there. "Hi whore." He smirked. "Hi." I mumbled. He slapped me. "Don't mumble." He yelled. "Sorry." I say wincing at the pain he gave me. "Why don't you do us a favor and kill yourself." He spat and pushed me towards the wall. I felt blood dripping down my face, great my head is bleeding. "See ya tomorrow, slut." He laughed and walked away. I got up and went home.

I never really know exactly what I did for him to hate me this much, but I'm really sad over it because deep inside I still have hope that he will change back to the Calum I used to know. But we all know that won't happen that's for sure. I sighed going up to my room. Luckily for me the bleeding stopped. But the pain did not, unfortunately. I did my homework understanding all of it. I loved learning something new. Maybe that's why people call me a nerd and geek. It was exciting to me, not the name calling, but learning something new.

I finished my homework brushing my teeth and changing into my pajamas. I always go to sleep early because my body is very sore mostly everyday and I like to sleep earlier so my body can rest. Then, sleep took over me.

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