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"Good morning madame" Linda greeted as she enters through my bedroom door.

It has been almost a complete week since I last saw him and I really couldn't be any more grateful for his absence.

At first, I did fear that he would return to my room the next day and continued to make a life a living hell but it was very soon that I was notified by Linda that he had been a very busy man lately and so, visitation to my room will be taken out from his agenda.

I was so glad right after those words left her mouth and it's been a couple of days now since I could relax a lot more rather than having to worry about getting hurt again if he returns and lay his hands on me.

Unfortunately, my little happy moment was very soon to be taken away and it all began when I saw Linda wheeling two suitcases into my bedroom.

I frown.

Suitcase? Is she leaving?

"What's that for? Are you leaving?" I asked, looking at the suitcase.

Upon seeing my eyes stuck to the two suitcases, she averted her as well and once she had understood my question, she let out a little laugh.

"Oh no, ma'am." She shook her head as she began walking towards me. "I'm afraid you've misunderstood. These aren't for me..."

She lifts the suitcase up. "They're for you" and she places both of them onto my bed as she completes her sentence that had made me rose to my feet.

Suitcase...for me? Why?

"...W-why?" I stuttered a little. I was hoping that he wasn't thinking of giving me a way to someone else or...returning me to that horrible place.

Linda had sensed my fear and quickly spoke afterward as she tries to explain everything to me. "Oh ma'am, it's not what you think it is. It's rather that you are going with..." she pauses for a second.

"...with Mr. Mariano on a little trip."


A trip?! He's taking me on a trip with him?!

I groaned, pulling the hair on my head. "Why?!"

The truth is, I didn't want to go. I don't care if it was the most luxurious trip or a place I've always dreamt of visiting. Reflecting on all the past things I've been in...with him, I rather stay than go because I'm a hundred percent certain that I wanted to be nowhere near him!

"Well ma'am, sadly, I myself do not know the reason. Sir had ordered me out of the blues to bring these two suitcases to your room and ordered for you to get the next hour for you will be leaving with him by then" she explained after I got so confused as to why would he want me to come along with him.

A frustrating sigh left my lips when I had understood her words. And now, I wanted to be nowhere near to him...however, I'm starting to understand that I was his wife and...I guess he would want to take me with him for maybe that reason...or some other kind.

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