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Bianca had a shock expression written on her face as she stared at the married couple before her.

Her jaw clenched as she soon began to grow in anger when her eyes went to the empty plate that laid before hazel.

It was her. She was the one that instructed for dinner to not be brought to his so-called wife. She wanted to make her life a living hell which in the end, she hopes that hazel would give up and finally leave. She could only hope.

Though she was aware of the consequences that come with her actions, Bianca still proceeded for she would do anything to have him to herself.

Yes, she will admit that she was taking a huge risk but she also thinks of herself as a very cautious person so that was included in her plan and she was pleased that it was going successful ever since it began...but that was up until this moment.

The image before her eyes was unbelievable.

She could not have believed that this woman even had the guts to leave her room and to make this situation worse, she even had the man of her life cooking for her.

She still couldn't bring herself to believe what was in front of her and soon, her mind was buzzing with many questions.

Could she not have prepared something for herself?!

Why did Stephan even bother to listen to her?!

By now Bianca was burning with jealousy. She was angry and jealous of the couple that looked like they were enjoying themselves in her eyes.

And the thought of that alone had made her grew in so much anger that was soon impossible to bare.

Bianca could not stand to see that woman next to her man!

She was now fuming in anger as she sends a glare towards Hazel before finally letting her anger flow freely.

She growled and with clenched jaws, marched towards Hazel.

· · ──── ·𖥸· ──── · ·

"What are you guys doing?!" The voice of Bianca was heard. It grabbed both of our attention as we shifted our gaze towards her.

A frown was now on my face as I stared at her in confusion. She was standing at the entrance of the kitchen with an angry expression on her face.

The room was then engulfed in silence as she stood there, the angry look still on her face, but it was soon that an angry glare was sent to me, lifting the frown from my face.

My eyes went wide as she growls and with her eyes still sending daggers through me, she angrily marched towards me.

It all happened so fast.

One moment she was at the entrance of the kitchen and the next moment, she was just a few feet away from me with her hands raised in the air.

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