Chapter 16: Jokes Huh?

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A week later....


I sighed and set my keys on the table. I walked in the kitchen to see Mijo and Keeis eating up the rest of my Mini Wheats.

"How y'all get in here?" I asked going in the fridge.

"One you gave us a key but we didn't use them, Nikki let us in."

"She gone?" I asked closing the refrigerator.

Mijo nodded stuffing a spoon in his mouth.


"Why you drinking and it's like 9:00 am." Keeis asked.

"Same reason you eating the rest of my cereal." I stated downing my drink.

"I don't see why you so mad being as though you hate them now." Keeis said drinking his milk.

"What make you think that!"

"If I used to look like one by the head at one point I would hate em too."

Him and Mijo laughed and ignored it and drank my drink.

"What's wrong?"

I sighed.

"Remember I was telling y'all about my feelings for Amara." I said sitting down.

"That night you cried!" Keeis asked pouring more cereal in his bowl.

Mijo laughed.


"Yeah we remember why." Mijo asked crossing his arms.

"After our date last week, I dropped her back at home and... well, let's just say, the feelings are definitely mutual." I said downing another drink.

"What does that mean?" Mijo asked.

"She likes me." I said sighing.

"Word?" Keeis and Mijo said at the same time.

"Yeah. That's not it. We kissed." I said pouring a big drink.

It was silent for a minute.

"Pour me one of those!" Mijo said reaching for a cup.

"You did what?" Keeis repeated.

"Kissed." Mijo said sipping what was in his cup.

"What about Nikki?"

Once again that silence filled the room again.

"Give me one please." Keeis said.

I just sighed. They take everything as freaking joke!


I paced back and forth in the bathroom and Ashley just watched me with her arms crossed. I couldn't get last week out of my mind.

"Umm, about the other night--" I spoke stopping to look in the mirror.

"Nope." She said cutting me off for literally the 20th time.

"Hey, um listen, about our date the other night, I'm sorry about everything. I shouldn't have over stepped the boundary of our friendship, me and you should have never kissed and I take full bl--"

"Stop!" She said putting her hand up and getting off my sink. "Girl you are worse at this than I thought. And to think I sat up in here 20 times with this. Look rule #1, never take the blame. If you take the blame then he's gonna do up get used to it and take full responsibility all the time. Rule #2, always give compliments first about the kiss. If it was good. Lastly rule #3, never.... appeal nervous." She said crossing g her Arms.

"Is this the reason you don't have a man?" I asked looking at her.

"How about you have a seat on the sink and take notes."

I did as told and sighed crossing my arms.

"Hey Chris, umm..., up about the kiss the other night, it was amazing, but it could have been Longer. I hope it didn't effect our friendship." She said batting her eyelashes.

I Laughed.

"You like that huh?" She asked smiling.

"No." I said shaking my head getting down. "That's why you don't have a man." I said laughing.

"All this is for the birds! All this sh--"

"My son is in the next room!"

She smacked her lips. "When you find out what you saying, holla at me."


I was in the studio writing a song. Lately all I can think about is Chris. We haven't talked in a few days and I really need to talk to him.

"Nah." I said shaking my head.

"What now?" Shavone asked stopping the track.

"I don't like that part. We need to change it."

"I think it sounds perfect."

We both looked at each other strangely. Either we're crazy or a male just walked in. We turned around and seen Chris standing there.

"Ok, I'll go and take a break really quick and you two can talk." She said walking out.

I sighed and stood up.

"Hey." I waved.


"What brings you by?" I asked crossing my arms.

"We need to talk." He said sitting down. I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Yeah I know. Um.... so, about the kiss."

"It was great. I liked it."

"Me too."

"Umm, I kind of wanted to make sure it didn't effect our friendship."

I nodded.

"Of course not."

He cleared his throat.

"Oh yeah, another thing."

I turned around giving him my full attention.

"You're a great kisser."

I smiled.

"You are too. But next time make sure to put on some CarMax of some sort. Your lips were kind of .... crusted."

We both laughed.

"You took care of that with your greasy lips. When I pulled away I had on more than enough lip gloss."

I gasped and laughed.

"My lips were not that greasy." In said hitting his shoulder.

"Yes they were. I could've fried some chicken on them lips." He laughed.

"Oh yeah? Well with those crusty lips you had you could've rubbed em together and started a fire!"

We both laughed and he helped me fix a few songs. I really enjoyed his company. He made me smile and laugh. I really felt like we had something special and the fact that he cherished our friendship just as much as I did made my heart melt inside.

I feel a way that I never felt before.


I'm trying to make this book go fast

Cause I Dont wanna lose my ideas!

Date: January 5 15
Time: 4:22 pm


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