Chapter 12: The Catch Up

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I was at the mall with Keeis and Mijo. I was trying to look for Amara something to give as a thank you gift for doing the song with me.

"Why we here?" Keeis asked.

"I told you this already." I said going in a jewelry store.

"I forgot." He said scratching his head.

"Aye, lemme see that bracelet." I said to the jeweler.

While he dug for it I learned up against the counter and looked out the door greeting fans that saw me.

I noticed Nikki in a store across from us. She was on the phone so I didn't think she seen me.

"Aye..,," I tapped Mjio's shoulder continuously still looking out the window.

"What... what... NIGGA WHAT!!" He yelled pushing my hand.

I pointed.

"Thats Nikki."

Keeis eyes shot open

"Thats her?"

I nodded slowly.

"She fine! You gone holla?"

I smiled and walked over to her.

I stood behind her and waited until she got in arms length distance before I tapped her shoulder. She turned around and hung her phone up.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." She smiled nervously.

"Um, I just came over here to say hi. I noticed you were here by yourself."

She sighed. "Yeah. Just doing some girl things that's all. Retail therapy."

I raised up am eyebrow.

"Therapy?" I asked.

"Long story."

"I got time." I put my hands in my pockets and shrugged.

She sighed.


"Wow, so he cheated with one of your cousins?" I repeated.

She sighed and nodded.

"I'm sorry to hear that Nikki I really am."

She shook her head.

"No it's fine. I'm okay."

"Now have you been out side of that?"

"Pretty good. I just opened up my own store now and that's doing good."

I smiled.

"Hair store right?" I asked.

"Yeah." She smiled back.

"I know hair is all you talked about. I'm glad you finally did it."

It was an awkward silence for a minute then she spoke up.

"Um, I guess I should take this opportunity to say that I'm sorry for just, up and leaving you after everything."

I waved her off.

"Its cool. I should've stayed and helped you out instead of going on that tour."

She sighed and grabbed my phone and a few seconds later gave it back to me.

"Call me sometime. I would love for us to catch up." She smiled and stood up. "By the way, I can't wait for the album to come out!" She smiled and walked away.


"What else she say?" Keeis  asked.

"She couldn't wait for my album to come out." I said turning the corner.

"I don't see why she said that we heard the whole album on the radio already." Mijo mumbled.

"Get the.... get out mijo!!" I said while keeis laughed.

Mijo laughed too.

"Chill man, I'm just playing."

"So what you gone do with this?" Keeis asked holding the bracelet up.

"Imma give it to Amara." I said in a duh tone.

"So your feelings for her never changed right?"

"To be real, I don't even know."

"You need to figure that out. Cause Amara seem like she kind of falling for you a little bit." Mijo said.

I looked at him in the mirror.

"I'm not no relationship expert bu--"

"So shut up." Keeis said making me laugh.

"Keeis shut yo bug eyed up." He said.

"Really Mijo. That's the only thing you got? People been telling me this all my life." Keeis said turning around.

"Turn around." Was all Mijo could say.

I shook my head still laughing, these two act like a old couple.


I was working out in the gym with my personal trainer Gunnar. This man works miracles. When I had cammy, he made sure my body was snatched! I never left him since.

He was also somebody I could talk to and he was like family.

"Okay three more. 1.....2.....3."

I sat down on the bench and wiped my face with my towel catching my breath."

"You okay?" He asked sitting next to me.

I nodded. "Yeah I'm just thinking about a lot."

"Oh god, last time you thought a lot, you ended up marrying a complete jackass." He said laughing.

I laughed.

"No, I'm not thinking about him!" I assured him.

"Well what is it?"

I sighed.

"Chris." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Chris Rock?" He said.

I smacked my lips.

"No. Chris Brown."

"You two would be cute." He smiled. "Does he know you like him?"

"Nope. I can't find the right time to tell him. I cram up and get nervous."

"You better hurry up and find out when you're gonna tell him. I would hate to see you wait until he's happy and settled down with someone and you sitting in your pitty party."

I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"I will Gunnar! I will."

"Make it fast. Folded hands don't get a ring."

I stood there for a minute processing those words he just said to me. It was true.

Closed mouths don't get fed and folded hands don't get a ring.


Here goes!!!

I struggled to write this chapter

Lol! Can't wait for chapter


#Team_Cuties ✌

Date: Tuesday 12-30-14
Time: 9:43 am

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