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They seen me. I walked to them.

"You guys go on home. I want to finish things up here." I said.

"What. You can't be by yourself." Jennie said.

"I'll be fine. I have tons of people here. I will be okay." I said.

"I'll be here with her." Yongsu said.

"Okay. Be careful." Mark said. He hugged me. I hugged back.

"I will. Love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said while breaking the hug. They left.

"Yongsu, do you think you can give me a tour since I don't know where everything is?" I asked. He nodded. He showed me every part of the headquarters. What every job is. After a few hours, we finished.

"Wow. There is a lot but understandable why my father was one of the most powerful leaders." I said.

"Yeah but it was pretty much forced labor." He said. I was thinking.

"Yongsu, can you call everyone to here to the lobby?" I asked.

"Um okay I will." He left. Soon everyone came. It was loud. Yongsu came to me. He helped me stand on the table.

"EVERYONE LISTEN!" I yelled. It got silent. "Thank you. I hope everyone can here me. I would like to make something clear. I am opposite of my father. If you knew my mother, I might be more similar to her. I want everyone to feel safe here. If you had to work 24/7 because of my father, I am sorry. That will change so you can see family and have free time. I don't want this to be forced on you constantly. You guys are not my slave. I want us to be like a family to protect and have fun but also take these jobs seriously. I don't want anyone to be constantly scared everytime I want to the door because I might yell at you or fire you. No. If you were forced and never wanted to do this, you can quit but I don't want anything forced on you. Thank you and everyone have a nice day." I said. Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Thank you Mrs. Kim!!" They said.

"No call me Kana." I said.

"Okay!" They said. They went back to their jobs. Yongsu helped me down.

"I think I'm gonna go eat and get home." I said.

"Let me take you home Kana." He said.

"Are you sure? You've already done so much." I said worried.

"Yes I am sure." He smiled.

"Okay." We left. We went to a restaurant. We ate and paid. We then went to my house. I got out and bowed.

"Thank you Yongsu." I said.

"No problem. Have a nice evening Kana." He said. I nodded. I waved and went inside. I locked the doors. I took off my heels and carried them upstairs. It was quiet in the house. I was confused.

I thought they went home.

I dropped my stuff on my bed. I grabbed my gun. I knocked on each of their rooms but no answer. I checked the first floor rooms. I went to the library and opened the book. I went down to the basement.

"Namjoon? Jin? Jimin? Anyone?" I asked. I didn't see anyone. I went towards the training room. I heard noises. I opened the door slowly. I went inside and they were fight and practicing. They looked at me.

"Um Kana, gun." Yoongi said. I seen me aiming the gun at them. I put it down.

"Sorry. It was extremely quiet so I was being cautious." I said.

"Wow being careful." Namjoon joked. I seen the taser gun. I grabbed it and shot him. He hissed and fell.

"K-kana." He said. I stopped it. I went to him. I yanked it out.

"Yes." I smiled. He looked at me. I tilted my head.

"Tsk." He said. He grabbed my legs making me fall and scream. He got on top of me and pinned me. I automatically thought of Chanyeol and started screaming and crying. I pushed him off me and moved back. They moved closer.

"I am so sorry Kana. I didn't mean to bring it back." Namjoon said. I held my knees.

"Kana?" Jin asked.

"Kana please forgive. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just joking amd having fun." Namjoon said. I stared at the ground emotionless.  They walked closer. I stayed still. I was frozen. I couldn't even hear anything around me.

·Bangtan's POV·

We tried talking to her but she stared never blink like she was a doll.

"We won't be able to get to her. We have to call Mark." Taehyung said.

"Kana please listen to me. Can you hear me?" Namjoon said.

"Namjoon it won't work." Yoongi said. Taehyung called Mark.

"Hey Mark you have to come to the house. It's Kana." Taehyung said. He soon got off the call.

"He's on his way." Jin said.

"Yep." Taehyung said. Kana then fell back.

"Woah." We went to her and knelt down. Jimin lightly shook her. Jin put his head on her chest.

"Heartbeat is fast. Her eyes keep getting dilated or small." Jin said.

"I guess all we can to is wait for Mark because right now there is nothing to get her out of this trance like state." Jungkook said.

"We can't give up." Namjoon said.

"Namjoon she will be fine. They don't live far away. We heard the door bell. Hoseok ran upstairs. Soon we heard them come in. We moved out the way. Mark ran to Kana.

"What happened?" He said. We looked at Namjoon. Got7 and Blackpink looked at Namjoon.

"I didn't mean to." Namjoon said. Mark got up. Jackson and JB held him back.

"What did you do?!" Mark growled.

"Listen we were training. Kana came in saying she was being cautious and had her gun. I joked saying that she was using a gun and being careful for once and then she shot me with a tase gun." Namjoon said.

"And." Mark said irritated.

"Well I grabbed her leg and got on top of her pinning her and that when she freaked out and started screaming. I was confused and the she backed away. I then realized I brought her back to Chanyeol and she just cried and stared at nothing. I didn't mean for this. We were joking around. I am really sorry. I just want to wake her up and make sure she is okay." Namjoon said. Mark looked at him. 

"Kana wake up." Rosé said. The girls were trying to get her up.

"We tried. Nothing worked." Yoongi said. Mark got out of their grip.

"Move." He said. The girls moved. He knelt down.

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