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Their eyes widened.

"Kana are you crazy?!" Jackson said.

"Be quiet. Mark." I pointed to him.

"You know dangerous this is now if you those tests turn out positive." Jin said.

"Yes I know how much danger I will be in but I will not give this baby up like what my mother did to Mark. She knew the dangers but she still wanted to keep the baby." I got up.

"You or the baby could get killed." Tae said.

"I know that. Thats why I'm gonna be careful not to get my stomach hurt." I said.

"What if your mother comes after us at this house like this week? What will you do if you throw up out of no where? She will figure it out soon or later." Kook said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"So you guys want me to abort is what your saying?" I opened my eyes and shed a tear.

"You want to quicken my child's death and kill my own child. I already lost Justin if you don't remember. I don't want kill my 2nd child. I don't care how much danger I'm in. I will not have this baby dead." I said crying.

"You're pregnant?" Mark asked. I looked at him.

"Great now he is up. I'm going to my friends house for the night. I'll see you tomorrow." I said walking to my backpack. I went to my closet.

"Kana don't leave it's more dangerous out there. Stay here where your protected." Jisoo said.

"No I need time to myself." I said.

"Kanie wait." Mark said. I put clothes in. I went back to the bed and tossed my stuff.

"Babe at least let me go with you to protect you." Joon said.

"You're not gonna stop her Joon." Jackson said.

"No. I understand she doesn't want to be in the same house as you guys. You guys want to kill our possible child. Like we wouldn't say that to the girls. We would support them. Protect them." Joon said. I lifted the bed up and took out my knives and guns. I put them in my bag. I put my wallet and phone in it along with essentials. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the tests.

"But Kana started a war with her mother and Big Bang. They are dangerous. They will kill her no questions." Jin said.

"We are trying to look out for her." Hobi said. I tried to go quick but my stomach was in pain and my head started hurting. I felt dizzy. I went to hold the wall but fell on my knees.

"Kana!" Mark yelled and I felt him hold me. I looked his way. I couldn't see anything. It was all black.

"Guys I'm fine." I said. I blinked my eyes a few times. I felt another pair of arms. They lifted me up. I was able to see.

"Stay here with Namjoon but stay in the room." Mark said.

"No I don't want to be here tonight." I said. He grabbed my shoulders.

"I'm not mad at you Kana. I don't care if you're pregnant or not. I will be here to protect you. I don't want you get rid of the baby. Don't follow in your parent's footseps." He said. I hugged him.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem." He hugged me and kissed my head.

"Can you guys please leave?" Joon asked.

"Sorry Kana." Lisa said. I heard the door close. I broke the hug.

"Go take the tests." Joon said. I nodded. I grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom. I opened the tests and peed on them. I cleaned up and et them on the counter. I set a timer. I paced back and forth. The timer soon went off. I looked and all 4 were positive. I grabbed them and opened the door. Joon and Mark got up looking at me.

"So?" They said.

"All 4 are positive. I-i'm pregnant." I said. Joon hugged me and picked me up.

"I'm so happy. I can't believe im gonna be a dad." He said. He set me down.

"Congrats and we will be here to protect you." Mark said. I nodded. He hugged me and kissed my head.

"I got to go and help find our mother's hideout. I love you and you guys rest." Mark said.

"I love you too." I said. Mark left. We went to the bed and I set the pregnacy tests in the drawer. I cuddled Namjoon.

"It's gonna be okay." He said.

"I hope so." I said.

"Get some rest. I love you princess." I looked up at him.

"I love you too." I kissed him. He kissed back. We broke the kiss and got comfortable. He played with my hair till I fell asleep.

Kana's dream

I woke up in Namjoon's bed. I stretched. I got up and went to the door. It opened to my dads house.

"What the?" I stopped and looked around. I walked to the front door and opened it to see Justin with a child.

"J-justin." I said.

"Hi mommy. Come in." He said. I walked in and then it got dark. I closed my eyes and the opened them. I seen my mother and EXO. I back away.

"Justin get behind me." I said and grabbed him putting him behind me.

"I can't mommy. I'm dead." He said. I turned and seen the motel room and him on the floor with a bag around his head. I started screaming and crying.

"The child?" I sniffled.

"Oh but that's your child." My mom said. I turned and she was holding him with a razorblade.

"What?" I asked. She came close. I backed away.

"The one in your stomach." She said and went towards me but I woke up.

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