Chapter Eight

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            Kira stood before Naruse-the maid that had raised her and Akito since they were young as she dressed her up

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Kira stood before Naruse-the maid that had raised her and Akito since they were young as she dressed her up. The middle-aged woman hardly spoke and only exchanged words when she needed it.

One of the strongest memories she had with the maid was when they are younger, a few days after their father had died, they were given an empty box and told that inside was their father's soul by the maid.

At the time, the twins believed it but not long after they both knew It was false. Though neither held a grudge towards the lie and just chose to have faith in it was for the best.

It did help them when none of the Zodiac's was around and it also brought them out of their sadness whenever their resentful mother came around to just torment them.

The maid always looked at the twins as if they were her own god, which often had them sometimes wonder if the power they bore was strong enough to render someone not even closely connected to them into surrender.

However, the twins never had only ever interacted with those in the estate.

It often left to the eldest Zodiac's-mainly the Mabudachi trio, which was Hatori, Ayame and Shigure to wonder how Kira was able to fit so well on the outside when she left the Main estate.

It was frequently joked by Ayame that it was a trait that Kira deprived Akito-after the whole accident that led to the youngest's near death.

The nightmare that would never be removed from any of the four eldest's mind.

Shigure opened his eyes as he heard the door open next to him. He watched the maid walk by him without a single look his way and turned his head to Kira walking out of the room.

He smirked placing a hand on his chin," Have I ever mentioned how much I missed seeing you in traditional wear?"

Kira rolled her eyes pulling at her outfit in discomfort," I do not miss it,"

Shigure walked over and placed a hand under her chin," It's exotic"

"And you just managed to disappoint generations of our ancestors for saying that, congratulations" She responded patting his cheek and pulling away her face from his hold.

Shigure chuckled quietly and followed behind as she walked ahead. Naturally, in the main estate, he couldn't really walk right next to her considering her position.

It was the only time that he put the effort into not making anyone-specifically the elders who'd make it a big deal-about his position.

Kira rolled her eyes wanting more than anything to not think about what manipulative wiles he has up his sleeve. Bearing in mind that while their relationship is most likely the strongest, after their ingenuous bond that was created 6 years ago.

Unlike Kureno and Akito-there was no bond, because of his curse having been broken. However, Shigure was still cursed and the bond only caused the pair to be restrained with unawareness of it.

It was why Kira knew of the true nature within Shigure without having any effort to try and wither herself into his deep thoughts, she just could see and feel it.

She also was fully aware that along with this, he was just attempting to use this opportunity to find a loophole onto breaking the curse.

However, it was near impossible to break, even if he had it going well for him with Kira.

Both of their gods had to agree with breaking the curse, but it's not like Kira had the thought of it even for a second.

She just like her sister both had no contemplation into even thinking about liberating them.

The twins had darkness within their heart that needed to be mended-one that was not someone in their family to heal.

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