Chapter Sixty Two

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            "You love me?"

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"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entire world"

Kira snapped open her eyes, however, she was met with the same darkness from before. The darkness where she had met her younger self that she allowed to take over for a short time.

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entire world"

The words kept repeating as it reverberated through Kira's ears, making her looked around in a panic. She just kept on looking and searching for the voices, but to no avail, she was left in the darkness.

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entire world"

"It hasn't stopped for weeks now," Kira turned quickly to her younger self who slowly materialized before her eyes," I want it to stop, but...It just keeps getting louder" The young child voiced covering her ears, as she frowned," Even if I close my ears, it's still loud"

Kira looked up and about, but she received the same results as before-nothing.

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entire world"

The young Kira tilted her head and let out a laugh, "I just want it to stop...STOP!! STOP!!!" Kira flinched at the loud shouting of her younger self, who seen fell to her knees and burst into uncontrollable tears," It's a lie!! IT'S A LIE!! YOU LIAR!!"

Kira felt a pain on her chest as she watched her younger self. The words practically piercing her own heart each time she screamed louder.

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entire world"


Kira fell to her knees as the cries started to get louder and louder. The pain had returned to the back of her head and down to her neck. It had caused her to wince and unevenly breathe, making her head spin at the lack of oxygen.

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entire world"

The power formation of a scream had forced through her throat, as it tightened and overpowered a yell that escaped her lips.

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you, more than anyone in this entir-"

Kira's eyes opened and she was met with a white ceiling. Her throat was raw and her body was burning.

She looked around in fright, trying to take in her surroundings that slowly cleared.

"Kira" She turned to a soft and worried voice from her right. It took her a moment to react when she saw the owner of the voice reach out to her.

Inside her head had pulsated a sensation that caused her to smack the hand away. She did not know this person...she did not recognize this man.

"Get- "Kira moved back, and on her shoulders, she felt two hands placed on her shoulder. She looked up and quickly recognized this person.

"Hatori" Kira mumbled quickly turning and burying her face into his chest," Hatori...who is that strange man?" She said rapidly in fear

Shigure dropped his hand and retracted it back, sharing the same look of horror that was on Hatori's face.

"That is Shigure, Kira," Hatori said carefully but Kira shook her head hugging him tighter.

"I don't know him...I don't know him, Hatori"

The words had practically struck Shigure into a state of blankness. Unsure how to react, all he had done was look down and bring his hands to his face shedding tears in complete disbelief. The horror of her forgetting him-of Kira not recognizing him was the worst thing possible to ever happen.

Ayame who was in the next room with Yuki started to shake as he covered his mouth that trembled. His younger brother was unsure what to do, so he just stood there with one hand on his brother's arm.

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