Chapter Ninety Nine

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Kira and Shigure's wedding had finally arrived, both being set on going with a traditional wedding

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Kira and Shigure's wedding had finally arrived, both being set on going with a traditional wedding. It was not that it was something every Sohma had to do, but the pair were used to the older traditions then the expanding newer western-like ceremonies.

Akito and Kureno had also went with the traditional setting just as they had done.

A couple hours into the ceremony, Kira stood next to Shigure as he prudently placed down the vows prepared by the Shrine down the ceremonial table before them.

A few of the shrine maidens had walked over handing both of them a sprig, which was traditionally from a flowering evergreen tree that had grown in the Sohma's Estate.

After providing their thoughts and prayers to the gods. They both had lowered the sprigs to the table alongside the vows. Once settled on the table they had clapped their hands and bowed.

Once the traditional ceremony was near conclusion, Shigure and Kira had both turned for the final step, which was exchanging their weddings bands.

The ceremony had slowly started to come to an end as they turned to the present family members, on taking their final step in drinking the sake to celebrate the union of the newly married couple.

After the formalities was over, the wedding was finally concluded. The newlyweds, their family and friends all gathered to one of the largest courtyards in the Estate to celebrate with a large feast.

"Seriously, you are crying more than I am," Kira pat her sister's head who was sat next to her on a patio why everyone else was enjoying their time, or more of having drinking competitions and just goofing off.

"Shut up, it's just an emotional day that my sister is married"

"Hey, listen did you forget that you also got married?" Kira joked receiving a nudge to her side enabling her to laugh and hug her sister," I love you, but seriously, stop before I become a bawling mess"

"Well, if you just cried, maybe I would be able to stop" Akito grumbled still being hugged tightly by her

"What's to say I didn't cry hours on end before the ceremony. I swear Mine was going to hang me with the amount of times she had to reapply my makeup"

Akito chuckled leaning on her chin on Kira's shoulder," Congratulations, Kira. I am so happy that you two finally got your happy ending"

"No, no it's not an ending, it's just the beginning," Kira started to sniffle," Okay, seriously this is not what I wanted!" Her voice cracked making her now a sobbing chaos that rendered her to only realizing that she was married to the love of her life.

She was finally Shigure's wife and he was her husband.

"Ah, I knew it" A voice came from in front of them," Just as you predicted, Kureno" Shigure with Kureno standing next to him came into view.

"You know you could have waited a little longer, Shigure" Kureno sighed shaking his head," You need to learn when not to ruin the moment"

"Hey, having you say that is not ideal" Shigure pursed his lips saying before having the twins pull away from each other. He then reached his hand out to Kira who was using one hand to wipe her eyes and the other to hold onto his outreached hand.

He chuckled pulling her into his arms and kissing her forehead. The newlyweds just remained in their embrace that they did not even notice Akito and Kureno leave to join everyone else.

"Why don't we go on ahead and join the others? Unless you want to stay a little longer over here" Shigure asked and Kira shook her head

"No, no more tears, I'll really end up crying into exhaustion and the night is still young"

"Well great, because Momiji said if I didn't bring you over, he was going to drag you. He and surprisingly Momo are going to perform together"

"Momo?" Kira looked up in surprise," Is their father...okay with that?"

Shigure craned his head smiling," I wasn't going to say, but no use hiding it. It would seem that Momo had somehow figured out that Momiji was her brother. When she told her father, he was rather shocked, but he had given up trying to keep them apart"

"Huh...well, at least their father doesn't have to continue to be the wall that clearly hurt him. You know when he ended Momiji's lessons, he scheduled a meeting with me asking if I could find an excellent instructor for his son, since his former instructor was teaching Momo at the time"

"Well with that wall no longer there, at least Momiji got his dream to finally be a big brother out of the shadows" Shigure commented," He was so strong for so long"

"Yeah, until the very end,"

"Ah! There you two are, come! Momiji and Momo are getting ready to perform" Kagura noticed them pulling them over to the crowd gathering.

Shigure and Kira were both placed at the center as they kept their hands linked. They shared one last look before turning to the brother and sister walking to the stage.

"I love you my beautiful wife," Shigure voiced

Kira giggled leaning on his shoulder," and I love you my dear husband"

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