Chapter Forty Three

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            Kira was not sure how she felt with the development of the new emotion she started feeling

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            Kira was not sure how she felt with the development of the new emotion she started feeling. The sympathy had amplified her other emotions making it hard for her not to be emotional or unresponsive to any situation.

Hatori swore he would start balding after Kira suddenly appeared at his house distressed and exuberant at the same time. At first, he thought maybe she was under the influence of alcohol, or if she was in the state of lacking sleep.

However, trailing behind her was Shigure—who had to explain it was neither. He then stopped halfway—unsure if he had the right to tell Hatori what he knew, but Kira had ended up telling him.

It would have bothered Shigure, that she did not put up a fight as she did with him, however, he was also overwhelmed with the suddenly changing Kira or—well, the Kira before her accident.

Hatori had easily understood without going overboard on thinking she probably hit her head or ate something funny because, through his observation and prediction, he had a feeling that ever since Kira's nightmare, it was inevitable to think that her memory loss was not permanent.

Shigure ran a hand through Kira's hair who was currently asleep on his lap after crying to him and Hatori. The reason was because of Hiro's sudden appearance.

She was not there when he first came into the picture, since Kisa was hanging out more often at their house, but the other day when she was home early, she couldn't enter the living room, because Hiro was present.

She did get some insight into what had happened the day prior with him meeting Tohru for the first time, but she was always gone when he was there. However, she ended up hearing Kisa talk about how she and Hiro were close, but then he one day he started to ignore her.

Kira always knew of the incident, but having Kisa talk about it hit an emotional part of her. She was there that day when Kisa was beaten by Akito and all she remembered was walking away ignoring it.

It had caused Kira to step back and run out of the house, surprising Shigure who had just came back from taking a short walk to clear his head. However, instead of going back to work, as he planned, he followed after her seeing the look on her face.

"Hiro, never thought, that telling Akito, would have such consequences. But maybe if he didn't tell her, it would be even more frightening. Though, in the end, Akito injured Kisa and needed to rest for two weeks to recover"

"Beaten violently?" Shigure leaned back on the chair shaking his head

Hatori tapped his pen on the desk before speaking, "After that incident, Hiro purposely avoided Kisa, during which time, Kisa was being bullied...because his own actions, his own loved one was hurt, so he felt afraid"

"He had no idea how to help her"

"Of course, he couldn't do anything else. Hiro was very angry about what he did, but he didn't know what to do. Because he couldn't blame Akito"

Shigure waved his finger," So he took it out on Tohru. Teenager's actions are unexplainable"

"I surprised," Hatori said looking up at him


"You didn't know about this? I thought Akito would tell you everything"

"You'd be surprised with how much she doesn't tell him," Kira said suddenly making the males both startled," She doesn't tell me everything either, I find out on my own. Akito bottles it all up and she still does, which is why...I fear it"

Kira sat up and let out a long sigh before turning to them," She will be coming out of the hospital soon...and Akito is uneasy about it"

"Akito is worried?" Shigure asked and Kira turned away

"Hmm...that is why I decided...I'll be moving back here at the Main Estate,"

"What suddenly brought that up?" Hatori questioned, completely taken back by her sudden words and Shigure had also been struck with the same reaction, not knowing if that was even a good idea.

"All of these emotions are getting overwhelming. I need to spend some time on my own before I end up becoming someone I'm not. If I keep getting sensitive to things, I'll just end up not knowing from past to present. Just like earlier, I kept on dreading over the past that can't be changed, over facing head on that I can change things now. Kisa, Hatsuharu, Yuki and even Kyo—they are fighting head-on"

"I still don't strongly feel interested in them, but I can feel myself unravelling that it's happening. So, while I am still stable—while I am still sane for the matter, I need to be near Akito to overcome this fear that will only end up hurting someone else"

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