Chapter Fifty Two

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             Kira walked in the rain, out of breath only seeing Tohru and no sign of her sister

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Kira walked in the rain, out of breath only seeing Tohru and no sign of her sister.

She found herself heading over to Tohru and grabbing her chin lightly and face her head towards her.

"He hurt you..." Hatori voiced from behind her

"Hatori, I'll take care of Tohru, you have to go back with Akito don't you?"

Tohru gasped seeing the three adults," Kira, Hatori and Shigure?!"

"It should be fine, making him wait for a little," Hatori voiced standing up and helping Tohru onto her feet.

"Yes, let him wait" Kira voiced turning to the males. The two had wanted to ask Kira a lot of questions but resulted in holding back for a moment since they were set on the injured teen.

"Um...why are you guys here?" Tohru asked looking at them

Shigure turned at her pushing his hair back since the rain was making his hair fall to his eyes," Ki-

"Momiji came to us in a panic and we came to see what was going on" Kira stepped forward, stopping Shigure from speaking.

Tohru then gasped and turning to Hatori," Momiji...Momiji was hurt!!"

"Don't worry" Hatori stepped to the side," He's over there" Tohru did not hesitate to run over and embrace him tightly. As the two were sat in the rain crying, the adults stood near each other watching them.

"You're back" Shigure leaned forward looking at Kira from the side," You gave us a start when you ran out like that, Kira"

She did not turn to him while crossing her arms," It's true it was reckless, but I had a feeling Akito was up to no good, again. See the thing is, I hate interfering with her own disputes, but Tohru is not part of the family, so this time I can't sit back and ignore it.

"So, you were willing to defend the one person that Akito has an active complex over?" Shigure questioned in astonishment

Kira closed her eyes," Tohru is the one person that Akito needs, no matter how much she wants to push her away"

"How so sure are you of that?" Hatori was next to ask and Kira turned smiling.

"Because Tohru awakened a fear within Akito that can no longer be contained. Things will start to get tougher and I hope you are prepared for it"

Shigure crossed his arms and looked at her, "Are you prepared for it?"

"Probably not as much as I want to be, but that doesn't mean I can't work on it. I have some things I need to do and some things to recover" Kira said gradually faced back to look at the teens, before lifting her short hair to reveal the scar on the back of her neck," I always thought this was just a scar that I got being careless as a kid"

She then looked over her shoulder," However, having heard a bit while I was asleep within my conscious, I've learned that my accident nearly killed me and that" She locked eyes with Shigure," You were the reason for it, now if I ask, will you tell me what happened. Shigure?"

Shigure frowned at her words and turned to look at Hatori.

"Don't look at me, it is up to you" Hatori shook his head at his friend

"And what if I don't tell you?" Shigure said cynically at her," What if I say that I want you to recover the memories on your own?"

Kira chuckled threateningly and turned to him," That was my plan from the start, I don't expect you to tell me anyway, considering that you have that look of guilt written all over your face. You remembered the accident for all these years" Kira walked over placing a hand under his chin and leaned forward whispering into his ear," It's implanted within your mind and it will never go away and something inside me is ecstatic that you have to live with it"

"I'll wait for you to finish attending to Momiji and Tohru, Hatori" Kira pulled her hand back and walked away.

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