Chapter Forty Four

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            It had been a couple of weeks since Kira had moved back to the Main Estate

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It had been a couple of weeks since Kira had moved back to the Main Estate.

When Akito had heard about this, the first thing she had done was practically glue herself to Kira.

Wherever Kira had gone, Akito would follow and it was almost hard to tell at this point if Akito was the older one. At first, it had made her uneasy, but then anything was better than being on her bad side.

Eventually, as a month had passed, Akito no longer followed her around, considering she was sure that Kira was there to stay. It was mainly the only reason she stuck around Kira, just in case she ended up changing her mind.

The thing that convinced her was that Kira allowed herself to harmonize their souls, one that practically told her she was here to stay. She was not going to run away and go somewhere unreachable.

During the time within being at the estate, Kira-who was adjusting to her new emotions, had not even thought about Kureno once. In fact, he was on the back of her mind and when Kira was completely taken off guard, she ended up bumping into the male, after he had just been leaving Akito's room.

"I am sorry Kira, I wasn't watching where I was going," Kureno reached out to her since she had fallen back. For a moment she looked at him stunned and it left him unsure if he should retract his hand or just wait for her to grab it.

Kira having read his expression looked down before taking a breath and taking his hand. As he helped her up, he accidentally used to much force making her fell forward onto him. Before she could pull away, Kureno had wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

Kira had been left frozen in place, completely confused and taken back by the gesture. It did not dawn onto her until she felt a brooding aura from behind, which snapped her out of her stupor. She pulled away and turned to see Shigure just down the hall, with a darkened look across his face.

"Shigure, I didn't know you planned on visiting" Kureno spoke up, raising his hand and placing it on Kira's shoulder and when he did, Shigure crossed his arms and a smile made it on his lips-however the smile did not reach his eyes, though Kira did not notice, because she was still dazed with the whole situation.

"I have something to discuss about with Akito," Shigure walked forward, but not before stopping and looking at Kira.

For a second, she felt an overbearing emotion of jealousy within and she had realized that it must be because she was with Kureno.

Though it was not because he was jealous of her being with someone else, it was more like the envy of being near the one she loved.

"I see, well go on ahead, Akito is awake" Shigure nodded and walked past them. Kira who did not have her back turned watched him open the door and lock eyes with her. He then proceeded to smirk darkly before walking into the room.

"Shigure," Akito's voice was heard and it caused Kira to look away and close her eyes.

She was no longer needed-no, Kira was sure that the entire time she was just an obstacle in the way when she started to live with him. However, now that he no longer had to entertain or watch over her, he had the free will to go to Akito whenever he wanted.

Kira had unknowingly taken hold of Kureno's hand that was on her shoulder and he moved it to hold her own properly," Can...Can you keep me company for now?"

Kureno smiled and gently turned her to face him as he lifted her chin up," I wish you would have asked sooner, shall we?" He walked slightly forward as she followed behind him, still holding his hand.

Kira turned back for a few seconds, which Kureno saw. He then turned back forward and frowned deeply. Shigure was up to no good again-and Kureno was beyond angered that he was putting Kira in her current state.

"Are you my most important person?" A young Kira asked in a weaken tone as she laid in the hospital room

"Yes, Kira," Kureno said placing a hand on her bandaged cheek

"Then why are you not smiling?" Kira whispered before closing her eyes," Kureno, are you truly my important person?" Kureno inhaled deeply at her words and he closed his eyes letting out a cry. He fell to his knees and just kept saying 'yes' because he had no choice.

He made a promise and he had to keep it.

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