Chapter One Hundred

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            The decision to have the family gathering had not happened that year, due to the final agreement between the four

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The decision to have the family gathering had not happened that year, due to the final agreement between the four.

They had decided that they'd wait a couple of years since a lot of things were still adjusting. While it was a disappointment, no one had argued with the decision, understanding the choice.

During the end of the year, a lot of people had to prepare for the departing of a certain couple. Which was Kyo and Tohru, who had decided after graduation, to move away for a while. It was mainly Kyo who had needed it, to train himself before he took over Kazuma's dojo.

Tohru had gladly accepted it because she had stated from the moment she fell in love with him, she'd go wherever he wanted.

Though, it was not the only goodbye that everyone had to prepare for, because Yuki had also decided to leave for College.

It was not ending for the goodbye's, because once the younger members have gotten older-they too had plans to leave.

However, while that was much of a thought-it was still hard to endure.

Akito and Kira knew from the moment they had their final Banquet that most of them were going to leave and only a few were going to stay.

It was hard, but it was not as if was forever.

Regardless of there no longer being a bond that once restrained them, overall, they had known that they will be back because in the end, through all of the pain and hardships-there was still good memories.

The Withered Bonds had been slowly but surely reviving itself-but it was nowhere near being healed. It would most likely take years for it to get all the nutrients back, but there was no rush.

Time will heal.

"Are you really not planning to see them off?" Shigure asked Kira as they both walked along with the streets hand in hand. The married couple had decided to spend their day off outside of the Estate and just let their day unfold without plans.

It was a rare thing for them, to actually leave the estate. While they did have dinners outside, having to actually leisure on their own was never really done. In fact, the pair never really went on dates with just each other, despite having been married.

Since they spend almost every waking hour around each other, they did not desire it.

"Mhmm" Kira glanced at him and shook her head," No, we will meet them again. This isn't goodbye" Shigure chuckled releasing her hand and placing his hand on her waist.

"It'll be a couple of years, are you sure?" He went to question again and it only caused her to chuckle.

She smirked at him, "I think I can manage a couple of years without her cooking"

"It's as if that's all you care about, Poor Tohru"

Kira rolled her eyes leaning on his shoulder," It was really a shock...that they decided to leave, but this is what they need, mostly Kyo. Then after a short while, we'll be seeing Yuki leave and then not long after-" Kira stopped herself and lifted her hands slapping her cheeks.

"No, no this is not goodbye" She mumbled turning up to him," This is...them"

"Having a chance to be themselves," Shigure lowered himself slightly being at eye level with her," Right?"

Kira scrunched her nose and made a face," My precious spotlight," Shigure snickered leaning forward and kissing her softly.

"Hmm, why don't we try out that new food truck in the park near? I heard from Hatsuharu that it's got an exotic menu"

"Hatsuharu has weird selections in food, I am kind of worried for the sake of our palate" Shigure laughed at the face she made, however, regardless of her words she still went ahead with the idea. It did turn out as a weird experience, but Kira had come to realize that maybe she just enjoyed food because, despite the weird combinations, she absolutely loved it.

"Also, I heard something interesting" Kira suddenly said while they sat on a bench in the park," Mayu is planning to propose to Hatori a few years from now."

"Mayu? Really?" Shigure looked at Kira like she had grown a second head

"It's just a thought...She knows that Hatori is hesitant on marriage and has been for a while. So, Mayu talked to me about it saying she'll do it, but of course, she wants to wait a while."

"Hmm, Mayu is pretty bold, but then again, she's been so strong" He admitted," She longed for Hatori for so long, but then suddenly her best friend came and took the place she had hoped to have. Maybe it was that longing that made me step in and date her, maybe I had hoped I could heal some part of it, knowing how it felt" Shigure voiced looking at Kira raising a hand to her cheek and using his thumb to caress it," But it would seem it was just me wanting to find a loophole to not making me do something stupid. Our age difference had really been such a trivial thing"

"You make it seem like you're a cradle robber" She grinned saying in amusement," Though, now that I put it-

"No stop, please" Shigure pouted," Do not make all my hard work have resulted into that"

Kira giggled leaning forward and kissing his nose," Oh I am just kidding, I've never thought that for a second. You waited and that is good on you" She winked," I did a good job making you wait longer than you probably had planned"

"Now, now" Shigure sighed now leaning on his palm," Do not open old wounds" She just snickered and scooted herself closer to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Don't worry my precious husband, I will always make sure to remember all the hard work you had gone through. Yes, yes", she added using one of her hands to pat his head," Good doggy"

Shigure's eye twitched at the last two words and leaned forward nibbling her neck, making her squeal. They were lucky that the park was nearly empty, except for an elderly couple feeding birds on the other side of the part across them.

The elder woman chuckled and looked at her husband. Both having the feeling of nostalgia at their own times when they were young.

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