Chapter Thirty Three

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            Kira had been sprawled on the deck floor outside as Ayame told Yuki and the other teens his time at school

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Kira had been sprawled on the deck floor outside as Ayame told Yuki and the other teens his time at school. She would have done something or said something to stop him, but in the end, she just did not have a single power left in her to do so.

She had already spent most of her time with Ayame and Shigure for hours that it had completely drained her.

She had called for Hatori, but unfortunately, he was not able to arrive until much later since he was currently doing a house call for Hiro's mother, Satsuki since she was currently feeling ill lately.

Tohru had kindly attended to Kira by offering her some snacks and beverages, clearly seeing her state.

"Leave here immediately" Yuki smiled saying maliciously to Ayame

"That didn't move you either? Then, let me tell you this other story about the bronze statue of the board chairman" Ayame said thoughtfully

"You don't have to, get out immediately"

"Then, there was that summer..."

"Get out!!"

"Shigure! Do something about Ayame!" Yuki shouted

"Huh? Why? Aren't you all happy?"

"Yeah, I'm very happy!"

"But I'm in pain here"

Shigure sighed running a hand through his hair," But basically, he won't listen to-

Kira chuckled seeing Tohru watch the brothers and she took the chance to speak up to the distressed teen," If it weren't for their physical appearances being similar, you would guess as much as the next person that they weren't brothers"

Tohru turned to Kira and chuckled softly," Yes, at this rate, I see Hatori and him being more of brothers"

Kira laughed and clapped her hand," Did you hear that Hatori?" She said looked up to Hatori who was suddenly behind them.

"I have been called by both Kira and Hatsuharu" Hatori announced walking in the home," To bring back Ayame"

She did not react, but Tohru and Kyo jumped since they had their backs turned.

"Oh good, Hatsuharu noticed" Kira mumbled which only was heard by Tohru who looked at for a moment before turning back to look at the others

"Ayame, let's go back together"

Ayame did not hesitate as he got up quickly and waved to everyone.

"Well then, Goodbye!"

"Huh?!" Kyo, Tohru and Yuki shouted in sync at the older male obediently listened without argument.

"Did you walk here Hatori?" Ayame asked

"No, the car is parked below"

"Ooh, let me drive you!" Ayame sand clasping his hands

Hatori shook his head, "No"

"What's the matter all of a sudden?! Weren't you loathing about leaving?" Kyo grumbled loudly

"But Tori came all the way to pick me up, silly Baby Kyo"

"Stop calling me that!"

Ayame ignored him and turned to Yuki," It has been so lively these past few days, I didn't have the chance to sit down and chat with you. But you don't have to be disappointed, I will be back for beloved younger brother. I love you" He suddenly turned to Hatori and skipped past him," Okay Tori, we can go now! Shigure, Kira see you next time!"

"Goodbye, everyone!!"

"What in the world...happened?" Kyo said tiredly

Shigure nodded," As usual, Ayame only listens to Hatori"

"Oh, is that so? Why is that?" Tohru asked curiously

Kira stood up and stretched her arms," Because he admires him. You see the things that Ayame doesn't have, things that he desperately wants, Hatori has them all" Shigure explained looking down to his book," He one spoke to me very seriously about it in the past. To put it simply, he likes Hatori"

"Yep, Ayame respects him the most," Kira then added on as she crossed her arms and looked away," Often when they are together, Ayame is able to express all his worries and Hatori always knows what to say back, genuinely"

"Oh" Kyo turned looking up," that is why...Hatori ended up being the one to take care of him?"

"You can say it that way" Shigure laughed with a nod

Yuki took the chance to turn to Kira, since the others were talking," Kira-

She raised her hand stopping him from continuing on," The one you should be thanking is Hatsuharu, not me," She said giving him a smile before turning to leave.

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