Chapter Sixty One

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            "Brother Hatori, that was wonderful

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"Brother Hatori, that was wonderful..." Ritsu followed behind Ayame as they walked into the room where Hatori had quickly gone to change out of his dance attire. He had hoped to escape anyone from commenting on his dance, considering he hated doing it the most.

"Tori! That was a marvellous dance! Not to mention Momiji's youth and your bitterness coupled together caused a miraculously wonderful flavour to float to the surface. If only a more challenging foundation was established...I'd have to embrace you"

"Yes!" Ritsu proceeded to say after Ayame's long speech, or more like a confession of love-to what Kira had considered saying, but she quickly disregarded the thought already seeing the dark aura over Hatori.

"Could you please not make me feel any more miserable than I already am?" Hatori looked away, only to be hugged behind by Shigure.

"Good job, Hatori~, Aren't you glad that se~rious dance is over with? You'll have to do next year's too, you know?"

"Shut up"

"Oh!" Kira smiled tapping her fist on her palm," That's right, next year, you have Ayame as your partner, oh I look forward to that!"

Ayame turned to Kira grabbing her hands," Oh yes! The two of us together shall be the "hugging team"!!"

"Please, please do that, I would love to see Hato-

"Would you two stop blabbing like idiots, Ayame go, Yuki's here too, you know" Ayame quickly let go of her hand and turned to Ritsu leaving without argument.

Kira stood there before turning to Hatori faking a pout," You've called me an idiot as well, how could you" She said dramatically making him sigh and continue to undress.

Shigure leaned over whispering, unaware of Kira getting closer, "You are changing way too quickly, Hatori-You know, I wanted to show Mayu a photo of Hatori in his most beautiful dancing outfit..."

Hatori turned to him in mild shock," Are you...trying to get us together?"

Shigure quickly stepped back waving his hand," What huh? Would I do something like that? With my ex-girlfriend? How could I?"

Kira who was curious had suddenly dropped her hand that was playing with her hair," Ex-girlfriend?" She suddenly blurted out making Shigure jump turning to Kira who was staring at him.

Hatori took the chance to slip away to the side to finish changing his attire. A smile was on his lips at the fact that Shigure was now a cornered animal and gone from pestering him.

"Hmm, So, Shigure had a girlfriend huh?" Kira's face turned emotionless as she turned leaving the room making Shigure follow after her with his tails between his legs.

"Wait, Kira-listen, listen to me-

"That idiot" Hatori mumbled following after them a few feet away.

Kira walked ahead with Shigure following directly behind her, being ignored regardless of him trying to explain. Though, he was mostly amused in a way that Hatori was sure that would label him as a masochist.

While it was all fun and games, Kira who had opened the door had suddenly heard a sound of shattering glass. Instantly she was light on her feet seeing Akito with a shattered vase in hand and before her on the ground was Yuki with his face turned.

"Akito!!!" Kira shouted running over and placing herself in between her sister and Yuki. She reached for the vase, however, Akito pulled away harshly, causing the already broken vase to slice her palm.

Kira winced but she was completely unaware of her injury trying to hold back and shield Yuki from her.

"Apologize!!!" Akito yelled loudly making Kira almost fall back at the way her sister was leaning forward, however, fortunately, Kureno finally had a firm hold on her waist from the back.

"Apologize!!! Apologize!!"

"I'm sorry" Yuki stated, as Akito pulled back and threw the vase to the side-she glared at her sister before turning away quickly and leaving the room.

"Yuki! This is horrible!! Is that blood running down your face?!" Ayame quickly kneeled down in front of his brother as the others gathered around him.

Kira lifted her hand that was injured to wipe her sweat, however, once the sight of her bloodied hand made it in front of her face, she had felt a shock that jolted her frozen in place as a painful and excruciating feeling formed. Her breathing started to quicken and her face turned pale.

Kira's hand started to shake as her vision wavered, creating a scream through the back of her throat and escaping her lips. It quickly caught everyone's attention, to making Ayame who was carrying Yuki to freeze in place at the unpleasant scream that filled all their ears.

Shigure had quickly rushed over, seeing the way Kira was staring at her hand in sheer terror and through her screams was inaudible mumbles-he had figured was the blood unlocking the trauma.

He had placed his hand on her eyes and pulled her to his arms as she continued to scream.

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