Chapter Ninety Three

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            Kira watched from one of the rooms as the old maid, Naruse walked towards the of the property

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Kira watched from one of the rooms as the old maid, Naruse walked towards the of the property. Shigure was next to her as well just silently watching the former servant who only had one single bag.

"Naruse was often criticizing a lot of things," Kira started to speak as her hand held the side of the open window," She raised Akito for the most part, before my accident, so my relationship with her was never seen more as someone who worked under us. However, my sister saw her as a maternal figure. It really is sad that even if Akito reached out to her, for a new chapter, Naruse refused"

"I guess that since she's been working for so many years only doing the same thing..." Shigure placed a hand on her shoulder pulling her closer to him," It's hard to think about but sometimes, some people just do not want to change"

"Yeah," Kira nodded leaning onto him, she did not speak for a while as they watched the gate doors open and the old maid had walked through, not turning back once.

"I think what finally made her decide to leave was the fact that Akito and I did not agree with kicking out that woman...I mean, it would only seem like something that should be reasonable, but we can't do that, not to the woman father had loved"

"She'll be meddling with things," Shigure pointed out leaning his head on Kira's," But, it's just like you two to decide that, even if you despise her"

"Partly it's a selfish part of our part because we want her to watch us be happy. We want her to see that we are not all of those horrid things she's had called us"

"Ah, so I figured it was something like that and I have no issue with helping" Shigure grinned rubbing his hand on her arm," I mean, let's show that woman what she missed in ever doing"

The two had eventually left the window and walked along the Estate to just see how things were fairing.

They had usually done that part since Akito and Kureno were handling the replacements of the new staff.

Sama had been made the newest head maid since she deemed herself the most trustworthy. As well with the fact that she was a big part in teaching the twins a lot about embracing their femininity.

"Shigure" Kira suddenly enunciated as she glanced to him, he looked at her and hummed," Have you spoken to Kyo or Yuki?" When the question made it to his ears, he sighed and shook his head.

"I am not sure how to face them...I mean, I've been practically avoiding everyone" Kira stepped forward and stood in front of him.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and smirked," You put on such a big act of being tough, but it turns out you are such a big softie. What happened to your favourite statement of not caring what others think about you?"

Shigure leaned his head to the side and let out a mild laugh," Well, those two...have been a huge part in my life, even if I did start with using them to hopefully benefit me...somehow they changed that"

"Ah, so it's really you being be fair, I think that those two don't think ill of you"

"How can you be so sure?" He genuinely asked out of curiosity

"Hmm, well they both been around Tohru just as long as you. Sure, maybe they'll want to let you have an earful, but in the end, you also enabled a light in their darkness. For Yuki, you brought him out of his suffering and Kyo, you gave him a place to call home"

Shigure inhaled and pulled Kira into his arms," I guess I got to stop being so childish"

"I'll be with you along the way, through every step"

"I have no doubt that you will, thank you"

Kira giggled and tightened their embrace," Arriving unannounced or calling ahead? What do you suggest?"

He laughed and shook his head," Obviously arriving unannounced, being all formal is not our thing"

"Agreed, now let's go!" Kira pulled away and went ahead

"Wait now?" He questions as she looked over her shoulder rolling her eyes.

"Yes! I mean come on, Tohru's cooking is-

"You are always so quick when it comes to thinking about that, I am worried that Tohru might be a rival" Kira just laughed at him not denying it at all, though she knew that was not the case at all.

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