Chapter Ninety Four

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            Shigure did not question Kira as she practically dragged him to their former home

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Shigure did not question Kira as she practically dragged him to their former home.

While he did know he agreed to meet with Yuki and Kyo-he wondered if Kira was more excited then him, with the way she was not hesitant to go there as quick as possible.

He just went along with it, fully trusting her without any suspicion. After a while of walking, they soon saw the home, coming into view.

Kira had abruptly stopped when they appeared at the front door and he was about to question her, but she had ended up taking his hand in her own and guided him to the side of the house that connected to the Living room.

"Wait, Kira where-

"Just trust me," Kira glanced at him and he chuckled following her. When they walked over, he found it odd that the paper doors were closed, but before he could even voice it-the centre door opened widely.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIGURE!" A rumble of multiple voices filled their ears. Shigure, however, was left standing there since Kira and already turned around grinning.

Behind her, was the majority of the former Zodiacs to even some of their significant others. Such as Yuki's girlfriend, Mine and even Mayuko who was next to Hatori.

Kira beamed at him," I had a feeling you totally forgot it was your own birthday" She said cheekily before stepping to the side to allow all of the others to gather out of the home to give them their wishes.

Kira had slowly made her way over to Tohru, who she had called days prior to set up the whole thing.

"I am so glad you got him to come" Tohru commented," Ever since the Banquet, Shigure just stopped talking to any of them, which ended up with the others wondering why"

Kira placed a palm on her cheek sighing," He just feels as if he doesn't deserve to be treated the same by them"

"Which I think is stupid" Kyo suddenly came walking over and stood next to Tohru, as he watched the others interact with Shigure-to even being hugged, scolded and cried on," Shigure is an idiot, if he thinks that we all only saw him as someone who used us, he may not see it but he's given a lot of us to believe in who we are"

"Even if he acted half of his age, most of the time" Yuki was next to appear but this time next to Kira, " He saved a lot of us"

Kira snickered behind her hand, " That idiot is just so hard-headed sometimes, that he can't even see it himself" She had continued having small talk with the three teens before going over to Shigure who finally had no one latching on to him crying.

Tohru and the boys went to prepare for the large barbecue that was going to take place.

"Now it makes sense that you often disappeared at night, you been coming here" Shigure looked at her as she grinned.

"Well, Tohru had told me that a lot of the family were often visiting the house to hope they'd see you here. So, since your birthday was coming up, I had decided that my gift to you was going to be showing that there are a lot of people who still love you" Shigure sighed and found himself pulling her into his arms and kissing her temple.

Ritsu who was closest to them squealed and turned away as if he saw something he shouldn't. The pair chuckled and walked over to Ayame, Hatori and their significant others.

The three males had soon found themselves watching Mine, Kira and Mayuko quickly getting along to even the females ditching them to go around and enjoy their time.

"Hmm, so you finally decided to start dating Mayu?" Shigure turned to smirk suggestively," I knew it was worth the shot of setting you two up"

Hatori narrowed his eyes," Have you told Kira that she is your ex-girlfriend?" That quickly shut Shigure up from continuing to tease him.

Though, it was not as if he needed to tell her because Kira had already known.

One night, she brought it up when she found out Hatori was dating her-and Shigure was shocked that she told him she knew about Mayuko.

In fact, despite dating her, they never went beyond holding hands and kissing.

Kira had not shown any signs of jealousy when he told her the that because she commented that she got him in the end and that's all that matters.

Soon enough Kira had again found herself with Shigure sitting on the patio as everyone started to settle in their own places around the yard or in the living room.

Kira leaned on his shoulder humming, " Happy Birthday, Shigure" He smiled and kissed her cheek thanking her.

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